Baalrun Etiquette

i love how “want me to stream it” is like the new thing people say. like trust me im nowhere as involved into this discussion as you might think for me to care this much to have you go through actually recording and me watching.

clearing p8 waves alone is slightly impressive if HC. what i dont get tho, how come you still clear waves.

i will go live right now with my face and talk to you

im at work. thing some people endulge in. also, i dont think you fully comprehended what i said. the part about not actually caring.

i dont watch people play games unless im at tournaments myself competing.

ah, you’re at work. you’re EU then. go compete in your tournaments…

how about now leech? are you still at work? or have something else you’d rather do than get proven wrong?

Everyone watch out, badass alert

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i’m just trying to prove myself after someone called me a liar…

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It’s ok buddy I believe you, just a bit of fun mate

by the way, didn’t you already know, I AM BADASS AT DIABLO JEEEZ. :stuck_out_tongue:

that’s more like it

as someone who grinded 99 this reset, public games are a free for all.

when i at 98 joined a public baal run, i did not expect anyone to leave chaos or nihlithak for me. now most people did, once i told them they could have the loot, but i definitely didnt expect it.

if you want players to follow specific rules, make your own private runs, which i did 95% of the time after lvl 96.


Thanks for the info. Do you think it’s highly unlikely to reach 99 with only public runs in a 4 month window?

It kind of sucks that the 99 race takes so much coordination with other players that are trying to achieve the same thing. Is this a design flaw?

yes, i do. 97 is a reasonable goal for most in a 4 month window spending 3ish hours a day grinding.

a normal 8 man baal run awards roughly 28,000 exp (waves and baal) per run at 98. 2 player baal party kill alone with 3+ players in game (cap on baal exp) awards roughly 53,000 exp (baal alone).

the exp is huge design flaw that needs addressed, the first 99’s were all boosted to 99 by having games prepped by other players. i think the first step should be baselining exp gains whether your in or out of the party, its battle net, group play should always be encouraged. 2nd step, addressing the monster levels to allow reliable exp gains from more than 3 mobs at 98.


Damn dude, I can’t believe it was left in this state for 20 years.

Agreed, I wish group play was incentivized more. Even the nodrop rate doesn’t mean much for a group of 8 players actually competeing for loot, that’s why everyone prefers split mf.

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why would you. you’re not the host. and again i dont know how i have to keep explaining this: im talking about etiquette. some players might not be aware that at lvl 98 you need nihlatak for xp, not keys. i often explained this to people in runs even and simply gave them some keys to basically give them what they wanted and get nihl instead.

if you would tele down to throne each game however, clean cancer throne before making safe tp and then go into CS for dia xp, you might see it differently if there is a 87 level leeching dia xp for whatever reason, no?

would you keep that run going or not?

also you say you exclusively played closed run, so yorue saying the best way to play this game is to shut the public completly out.

so whats wrong with talking about how to improve public runs? it makes no sense in my head to push back like you do.

if you play a lot, which you ahve to to reach 99, and you are not an obnoxious player you will make online friends. and you can add people and make friends along the way.

i did this and had a closed group for a while but then it broke apart this n that. but generally you dont need more than 1-2 dedicated players as a core group to bootstrap a run. you can also take public runs private, if its a good one.

it simply depends on how sociable you want to be within the game.

a paladin is probably the most autonomous character. you tele to trhone, clears CS and nihl and be back for baal. not always but generally doable.

if you are a java teleing to throne is not an option. generally javas come in after a pala clears CS for a quick bosskill. but javas excell at baal partys, since they almost always get last hit.

so each character is a bit different. but the lower tier you go, the more dependant you are on other people. i dont think theres anything wrong with the way to achieve 99. it has a lot of varierty (meaning people use different strats as solo or group, different routes – take nihl or dia xp shrine things like that), can be achieved as an indidividual or group effort.

a 99 paladin is different than a 99 necro, and i dont see a reason to why it should not be like this.

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i’m not pushing back, just stating my opinion and experience.

i’m saying the most efficient way for me personally to hit 99, was go it alone and do things 100% my way. i felt it was unfair to subject random players who didnt sign up for me hitting 99 to play the way i wanted them to play. I didnt particularly enjoy it, which is why i probably wont ever hit 99 again unless things drastically change.

i couldnt disagree with this more. it makes zero sense that hitting 99 caters to specific classes that excel at boss killing. this is why i think they need to change how experience works at later levels. you’re essentially blocking out support characters from reaching 99 without being boosted.

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This is a tough one to call.

Because on one hand, the process does have some sort of depth to it rather than it being straight forward and mindless.

As a casual, I assumed you just joined endless public Baal runs to 99. I don’t know if that would be any better than the current system.

I just dislike having to rely on others to cater to your needs.

That’s why I’m wondering if you join a split MF, can’t you just call Nithilak and CS? What if you skip Baal? Or do you 100% need baal?

its mindless either way, but yes, the way i did was basically split mf. i would clear cs while having someone tele to throne room, clear waves if possible. in return they got all the chaos and baal loot. always had at least 6 people in the game so it was pretty good exp for them as well.

in the end the person that tele’d the most for me ended getting my infinity, griffs, and java gc’s as a thank you for the help.

keep in mind it took me roughly 3 weeks of doing that for roughly 7 hours a day to go just from 98 to 99. to put this is perspective, i was doing roughly 20 runs an hour getting about 130,000 xp per run. so on a good day i was getting 15 million xp. if you ran public 8 player baals, 24 hours straight at the same pace, you’d get 14.4 million. you basically level 75% slower by playing with the group.

its an absurd leveling system that needs massive adjustments. i’m not against the amount of time it takes, just the methods that you have to take to do it.

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Yeah the reason I have a problem with this is because relying on another player to teleport to the throne room over and over is like a full time job. You almost should be paying the person hourly to be doing that mind numbing content.

I think everyone in the game should be able to play naturally without having to filter what they can and can’t do for another players needs.

Is it possible they could buff Players 8 to be more challenging, but also more rewarding?

Let’s say P8 became a lot more challenging and more rewarding XP wise. Cows, Chaos, Baal on P8 gives decent XP, but is very challenging and most likely requires a full party to contribute (at least for pubs). Wouldn’t that make a lot more sense than the current system?

In my opinion it does. Because out of all the people on this forum, who here is aiming for 99? Basically no one, because the requirements are absurd.

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i agree, but i was looking for people that were interested in magic finding baal, whether i was involved or not. so by doing it for me, they got: help clearing, a higher player count game, and all the chaos and diablo drops as well. so it was kind of a win win for them. those that stuck around for multiple sessions got more from me than just the drops though, i did compensate them for the mind numbing work.

i think this is going in the right direction. i think the simplest fix would be: make bosses award the max xp to every player in the party based on the amount of players in the game. i.e. you kill baal with 3+ players in the game, every person in the party (in baals chamber) gets the full 53k (or more depending on level of player). This would make public baal runs much more efficient without putting other players at a disadvantage.

that 24 hour scenario i laid out previously, would literally get double the xp. youd go from 30k xp per run to 70k exp per baal run. everyone wins. the 98s get the max xp, and everyone else just does what they would normally do.

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