There’s a spot in hell reserved for your kind.
I sometimes do norm baal runs to help people level, and when some millennial tries that, I simply go on make the next baal run … that millennial and the otpeople that were in the run are the ones that suffer …
And, if they persist, I simply tell everyone whom is to blame and the baal run is over. I call them out so the general players know whom it is and they’ll make sure that they do what they can to make sure he doesnt come back.
usually they set up a team and wtach for hiom in a game or to come online and keep pking him til he stops logging on, that usually does the trick.
blizz provided that function, so why not use it.
etiquette? in diablo? what are you trying to do here?
How can he dare to suggest basic good mannered behavior on the internet and especially in a game.
Lock him away, he must be crazy.
what im most confused by is, that it’s in your self interest to make baalruns efficient and good. if you respect the host, he will probably do more runs. if there arent 3 MF sorcs in the game, the run will survive longer. all these things increase your own effectiveness and progress in the game.
people here think they are a majority opinion but my experience is different. when you teleport to throne and ask people for big rejuvis, generally at least 2 people will give them to you. because it’s in their self interest to keep the run going by having host continue teleporting down.
a randian hero, by acting in your self interest you are acting good, so to speak.
the people who take issue in etiquette, in my opinion, are unable to even be egoists, because they dont act in their self interest. which is somewhat ironic, isn’t it? i think they are simply fools!
you got a complex, get some help.
what kind of complex if i might ask
lol, “etiquette.”
Only a complete noob to video gaming would be naïve enough to expect etiquette from the mass of clowns that infest the general gaming population in this day and age.
Sure, some people are decent human beings, but to expect it from the majority?
Look around at the world – it ain’t gonna happen.
this thread just keeps getting weirder bump for more insanity.
Prove me wrong, then.
All you have to do is read this forum.
Etiquette is a comparatively rare commodity in video game culture.
The lack of which is what prompted you to create this thread, is it not?
why would i talk to you after you insulted me? also, you clearly cant read or didnt bother to read the thread so not sure why you think i would engage with you seriously.
bump for more insanity and BM
I called you naïve, and you implied I was weird and insane, so don’t color yourself as the morally superior one, bub.
And accusing me of not reading the thread…
The thread consists of you arguing with a few examples of the very same type of person I was talking about; those who willfully (if even gleefully) break the tenets you espouse in your opening post. They have none of this etiquette you so desire to see from your fellow players.
i’ll have you known im not a complete noobz0r, but in fact gosu. see me on the leaderboardz
The replies are the proof for the need of the thread and they don’t even see it.
i know right?
unfortunately the people that need to read this, don’t visit the forum which is like 95% of the playerbase
lol, if your character is good, you don’t need the extra “help”. i run with 4 loaders. having 3 extra mf sorcs in my game would be AMAZING .
believe me, you want to shave off every second you can get while running 5k baalruns
i have a 20k lit sorc with -25 griff. facet in the s/s. etc… the only thing that really goes faster is like, a javazon, having ANYONE else in the throne makes everything crash and fall immediately… i know what i’m doing. also HC .
nice pretending buddy
do you want to see it? i will put it on stream for u
i don’t lie and i can back it up… alright?
and my first sorc (because of ddos) had an EVER BETTER griff, 20/15/191. i also had a fcr ring with like 13 str all res and something else (actually 16 str14 nrg 21 mana 7 all res) just checked the screenshot… friggin ddos
just let me know if you want to see it, i really want to show you since you think i’m faking it.
i also run 5 loaders off 2 pcs for good loot… would i lie about that too? like how far does this rabbit hole go?