Autoclickers are in full use again

Of course not and you know the difference.

I get that you are upset that Controller has a fast looting mechanism and Keyboard and Mouse does not. That does not mean you can cheat.

What you do is give feedback like you are now that the looting on controller is OP and unfair. It makes public games a lot less enjoyable.

You misunderstanding the problem. Controllers can loot the items, BEFORE THEY DROP for players not using controllers. At 20ms ping, you should not be able to loot the items BEFORE they even render in my game. I don’t even get to see the items drop, just hear the sounds and wonder which A**hat is using the autoloot

As I said earlier, I am a bad person to ask because I have never used a controller. I have no idea what movement, targeting, or interacting with objects is like on a Controller so I don’t know what impact removing it would have.

Trying to pick things with a controller after they have actually hit the ground is awful unless there’s only one thing on the ground. 3 or more and good luck grabbing the right item. You’d be better off trying to grab them all then drop the junk you don’t want.

I do understand that. And you are currently doing what you can which is providing feedback to Blizzard about the feature.

It is OP and unfair to others, but it is not cheating. Just because it is not cheating does not mean it should not be looked into and re-evaluated.

This is similar to some classes being very powerful and others being weak. It is not cheating to use the powerful class the way the game was made. BUT giving feedback on weak classes might make Devs consider changes to make those more fun to play.

didnt they say they are not implementing keyboard/mouse for console because it would give them an unfair advantage? controller auto pickit is the same.

FFA allocation simply is no longer free for all in D2R.

Now, it’s “to the pickit/controller players go the spoils.”

And this, to me, is broken. Players with KBM only are at a sever disadvantage to other players by this uneven design.

I’m no fan of pLoot, but it’s clear to me that the current system is utterly unfair - by design.

And this is a bad design that should be fixed.

Unless you plan on separating those playing with controller and those playing with KBM, there will be some level of unfairness to one group or another. IMO anyway.

It is in no way similar to anything like that. You have a physical advantage, that can not be overcome, without using outside hardware. You are forcing players, who want to play public games, to purchase and play with a controller in order to get a FAIR and level playing field. This would be no different than Blizzard selling Double loot buffs for $$$


Miss cheetah are you on my side I’m sure I just saw you say they could add personal loot.


Why didn’t you say that during the pre release forum war lol

It is different because Blizzard isn’t selling the controllers.

It’s no different from Blizz’ perspective.

For players, it’s a huge if not massive disparity in fairness during the gaming experience.

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I am not taking sides because I see merit in both. It depends on HOW it would be done - IF it were done.

I wanted no part in the great forum Ploot wars. I way too middle of the road on it to be an interesting participant.

Chicken :stuck_out_tongue:

In a little while ill make a giant “I told you so” post. Just saving up stuff like this for my proof.

I don’t really care how they fix this problem of their own creation. This was never an issue in the Original. I should not have to play a game where I know I will never, no matter how good I am at the game, ever get another item drop again in a public game. Blizzard has basically made Public game unplayable for anyone not using a controller to cheat. I didn’t pay another $40 to play a single player online game that I already bought 20 years ago

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If the idea behind allowing controllers to be used in the PC version to begin with was about increasing accessibility to players with disabilities, then it’s understandable why the loot function is there – if it were not there, making the controller available for PC players who have disabilities would have severely hurt them for using a controller, because it is much harder to loot individual items with a controller. They would be better off, in that case, struggling with a KBM setup rather than not being able to loot at all very effectively using the controller.

Of course, that doesn’t mean it “works” from a fairness perspective when you are playing with KBM players who don’t have that loot capability. And of course not everyone using a controller will be accessibility-driven, so a lot of players will be opting to use a controller even if they do not have disabilities if they think it gives them a loot advantage, which seems to be the case here.

In all this seems to be a lack of balancing foresight on Blizzard’s part. I’ve never used a controller on PC games – I am not a console gamer at all, and so I don’t like controllers, and do not have a highly developed muscle memory with controllers like many gamers who play consoles do. So I don’t personally use them. I do think it was a good idea to make them available for PC players to increase accessibility, but that can’t come at the massive cost of making it impossible for grouped KBM players to loot at all. That kind of thing will be abused (and it appears that it is being abused right now) by players who do not have accessibility issues and just want to monopolize loot.

If this was about accessibility then it wouldn’t loot the entire area with 1 button press. Even Telekinesis only picks up 1 items at a time. You could have easily made the loot button not only distance dependent but only pick up 1 item at a time on a 1 second cooldown. This is clearly Blizzard only caring about the $$$ they got for porting Diablo 2 to consoles. As soon as they went down the road of a console port, the experience of PC players is irrevalant because the game has to be changed to meet Playstation’s standards and audience.

i mean you could either try to implement a delay (think 10ms for humant reactiont + 5 ms for aiming or so) or an option to not allow conttroler players or so.

That’s how it should be!

Just give controller players a massive icon over their portrait so everyone knows to avoid them like the plague for the cheaters they are