Accidently Deleted my 86 assasin

It wont, I know how to pay attention and not click a button that is 100% clearly the delete my character button… PLUS click accept on the confirmation pop up.
This is a few vs millions who have not made this user error. It only seems like its happening alot because those who have not made this mistake, arent creating threads to say “Still havnt accidently deleted my character yet.” … maybe we should start doing that and show true data on the matter.

Blizzard has way more important things to take care of than this.

The PC Controller, if you can just click X on the main screen and that is delete your character, OK that is not right and that one is understandable. PC users, have no excuse other than ignorance. Take your medicine and move on.

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Probably have to do more with your post. Instead of asking for a solution, you’re just saying I’m quitting. So we’re here to just say, best of luck to you.

Get a rush and level to 86 in an afternoon, no big loss.

Not your fault. This is just horrible UX.

When this many people delete their characters on accident, it’s not ‘user error’.

It’s a terrible UI. You can stop defending it now.

How many is “this many” because, 10-15 vs the millions who havnt deleted their character, is not bad UI, its bad IQ…

In a merely decent UI it would not be possible to delete a character accidentally. Defending this trash design is pointless.

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Oh look… there goes another one.

Hey I think I was the first person to post on the forums who did this.

If you play in the USA Ill rush you and give you the starting items i have.

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I’m sorry that you are so dense and cannot understand what I and others are saying. Maybe you should try another language if english does not work for you.

A red X is the universal symbol for close program. I took courses in college about interface design and that logic was universal across all of the book and courses I took.

Its worse for controller because all you have to do is mash X and then A and its gone. Its very easy to make these mistakes after playing a game. Your muscles are alert and twitchy. So they are more reactive than if you were closing a browser.

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This thread. Look, it’s a problem for sure, there’s so many posts about it you can’t deny it. Developers will put in a solution, only a matter of time.

However, I do think people need to accept responsibility . I’m not saying anybody deserves it, I would feel so bad if I did that mistake. But I would blame myself, not the game, and never do the mistake again. First time you open the game, learn how to exit the game. Yes, blizzard should have implemented something to restore characters or really prevent deleting them. But make no mistake, those solutions need to exist because people don’t read, don’t pay attention, forget how to exit the game. I’m not perfect, I would 100% be pissed, but I would own it up.

I already know about this button and issue, and have STILL almost deleted my character. I shouldn’t have to ‘be careful’ closing the program.

Holy smokes you ploot whiners are tacky.

You should be careful always, with everything. The western world has made people too soft,

But I like to live dangerously.

They didnt do anything accidently… on PC anyways. Stop defending people who should be adults, who make a mistake, and need to learn from it.

Its not bad UI when its literally placed below the Create Character button…
Bad UI would be if you pressed a hot key, IE ESC and that was the delete character option instead of exit game, but alas, its not. You have to go out of your way to click that X, then not even pay attention to the pop up.
The console on the other hand, apparently pressing X is delete character, that is bad UI and should be addressed.

Oh look, like number 17 out of millions…

Blizzard has so many more larger items to deal with than this minor issue… Change the icon to a trash can then, that looks like it would belong in D2… not but whatever, lets pander to a few.

If you had, it would be 100% on you for being ignorant. How can you miss the much larger button that clearly says, Exit Diablo 2… Or just press ESC like always.
This is ridiculous how petty you are, pay attention, and if you F up, learn from it and accept the consequences of your own actions instead of blaming the UI.

It’s crazy how incorrect you are.

We’ve looked into a ton of these, so far, and while there are a couple of outliers we’re still checking out, the vast majority of people seem to have accidentally or intentionally deleted their characters using the X button on the UI.

Straight from Blizzard themselves. If you think you’ve seen every single person who has made this mistake, then you better do a little more research.

I know you think you’re super smart for not making this mistake and know everything there is though.

Im being sarcastic, its still a very low low % vs the millions who have not made that mistake.
Catch up please.

lmfao you’re such a genius dude.