Accidently Deleted my 86 assasin

Dude, what… no one is against accepting consequences. Accidentally deleting a character because of this bad menu design has nothing to do with taking responsibility for our choices. Even UI designers make mistakes sometimes, and this red X is one. We still love Blizz, it’s OK.


Accidentally is when you click on the x and the game just deletes your hero. When the game ask that “are you sure” that is not accidentally. That is you dont care what the game tells you.

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Jeez - he said it was 3am and tired. This could happen to anyone. Hasnt happened to me yet, thank Tyrael, but to insult the dude’s intelligence for this mistake which so many others have made is boo.


Its ok plootdavid. Be a nice guy maybe you get some free stuff. Im pretty sure you need it.

i am not insulting his intelligence i really don’t believe he deleted a level 86 assassin jani is the only one i believe to lack the ability to not do that.

Hope it never happens to you, but I can totally imagine it happening sometime when we least expect it. Quit - are you sure? - yes. That’s a part of so many games, can be habit. Especially when we’re zoned out and half asleep. Aaanyway, the red X design sucks, and draws people’s eyes toward it.

All there is to say here, sorry again OP, hope Blizz changes it, and at least your experience may help that happen.

There were other “mistakes” what happend to me but i didnt try to search for excuses what was my fault. Laziness, weariness is not the games fault.

Well that is also the players fault if he dont know when to stop. Whats next? The game should remind me to not play much cus its unhealthy? Pathetic

Don’t know what to tell you Jani. There are probably 100 different ways to handle that U.I. Some will be better than others. I see no problem with finding the better ones. I would probably start by looking at my other games that don’t have players posting so often, about accidental deletions. Once solved, I will gleefully click the screen. Knowing you are off brooding over us childish idiots and our videogame training wheels, for dumbing down your precious menu screen.

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I wish they can improve that. How about writing your character name in confirmation box?

also, whack, that same red X is used for all the in game menus to close them…

Like clearly it was laziness to reuse the asset instead of have Delete in every language.

It should be a Giant Red Button Telling You To Never Click This. pretty much.

Instead, its the same icon used to close all the other windows in the game…

Yeah blizz 100% at fault for this.

People going Why No Read Tutorial?!?! Lets face it, You didnt read it either. Non of us did. Who the heck wants to read that shiz on launch day. No one, thats who.

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I say just brush it off… People lose Hard Core Characters all the time.

Chalk it up to experience. Start over!

who are you to say what Is valid or not … and what the heck are some people even talking about here. Some of you people act like I’m begging for items and I didnt really have an assasin. This is By far the worst experience I’ve had with the game yet and half of you think you are perfect. No I dont want your items. go away.

There’s nothing to address, it’s user error. They pay pander to the cry babies who refuse to pay attention and change it, but we all know they have much bigger priorities atm.

ok mr perfect… really hope this happens to people like you.
Its amazing the kind of disrespect I’m getting from this community.
Now people are calling me a crybaby… remarkable.

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It’s pretty stupid that Blizz didn’t think ahead to make the icon a trashcan or simple “delete” text.

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I surprised half the people on these forums made it past the age of 4.

Yeah the icon should be a trash can or something. Not going to lie but on launch day I thought that X was another way to close out of the game and only realized it was to delete a character because I made a new character to see something on launch day when all those issues were happening and realized that X was to delete a character.

Sounds like others have posted about this also so you aren’t alone but take some time off and then come back and try again. I hate to say it but it is a lesson learned now which I suspect you wouldn’t do again.

You get off on watching people lose their characters but you don’t want to admit that. It’s your kink and it’s sad.

Yep, that’s exactly what it should be if they want to keep the universal language icon style. Nobody’s going to click a trash can and expect anything else.

I know it’s user error, but I can definitely see how people click that button on accident. Especially on PC. We’ve been “X-ing out” of things since the beginning. If nothing else, they should do like they do in their other games and have you type the name of the character you want to delete as confirmation.

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no… have you hit escape to exit any Blizzard games at all? it does exactly the same thing as clicking “exit game.”

Best thing to do is not click on ambiguous buttons or X marks, and just hit escape.