Delete by mistake my 79 sorc


the new UI is crazy and i made an horrible mistake… I just deleted my 79 sorc (with very nice stuff). Her name: Macdelite in EU serv.

I can’t do anything to find her back … Do you guys can do anything to help me ?

I think i’ll stop D2 if I cant get her back …

thank you by advance…



Might be wrong, but I don’t think this is the place ? Ask customer service.

I tryed customer service but it’s always about a technical issue, like a bug or soo … so i Tryed here

this is happening waaaay too much! I cannot even imagine losing my 87 sorc to such a thing. I really think it would be game over… im done.

I am so sorry OP that this happened to you. But if you need a rush, and some random uniques and items to help you get back on your feet I would be willing to do that for you!

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I’m afraid there is nothing that can be done to restore your character if it was deleted.

There are many others that have complained about the “X” under the character list, thinking it was the way to close down the game, then blindly clicking “yes” to the next prompt.

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You’re right. Customer support will not restore your character, just checked. Well, then they will certainly not, without a shred of a doubt, restore it via the forums. You have to move on.

I’m of course responsible, but seriously … the mistake is so easily done …

Yes, it is easy to do. Unfortunately there is no data that CS can use to recover it for you. They don’t have that for D2, D2R, or D3.

The Devs do realize though that the UI is causing a fair number of accidental deletions and the cost of those is not minor. It really hurts to lose a char you put a lot of work into.

There was a post yesterday in the Tech Support forum about it. The Tech Support forum agent said that they Devs are aware of it - so hopefully they do make a UI change.

Besides, if they fix the UI to prevent accidental deletions, they can determine if any chars are REALLY still vanishing just on their own.

Here is the Tech support post where the Support agent was looking into missing chars.

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Agree, hopefully they implement a restore character button. But, if you keep playing, I’m sure you won’t make that mistake again.

ok so I’ll just cry alone

thank’s for the answer

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Sorry, my condolences. On the upside, leveling in D2 is awesome too. Almost the best part of the game for me, or close to it.

Or just insert a giant pop up text:


Sorry for your loss. The devs should implement something similar to WoW where you have to type “delete” in order to confirm deletion.

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Also they should not use a ‘close’ icon, but a trash can instead.

Big deal…it’s NON LADDER. Start a new one and learn to read better.

I’m thinking of moving on by uninstalling, I’m still super bummed, like I’ve never done anything like this 30 years of gaming, and here I am, wondering how such a crappy known UI flaw was left to go to LIVE. Can’t even get a refund cuz I preordered like an idiot.

Cant believe to how many people this is happen. but tbh you get asked if you want to delete the charackter even if you press the X button you will be asked if you sure to delete the char. The button is in the character selection window. On the left is a button that says Exit Diablo II and since when is the exit button of a game in buttom right corner.
They should just add to enter the name of the char to confirm the delete seeing how often it seem to happen. Still I think to delete you must be pretty careless with your clicking ^^

Hello Khole,
Sorry to see you deleted your character. If you need a Rush Normal and Nightmare I will do that for free for you. Send me a direct message if you need it. Im on Eastern time and play in the evenings.

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