A synergy system rework is the key for a Lasting D2R

While the intent behind synergy system was noble, it ruined a lot of aspects of the game

  • it kills skills with bad synergies

  • it kills skills with too many synergies

  • it kills skills with too low synergies

  • it greatly weakened the concept of Hybrid build

  • it killed most of charges skills

  • it’s heavily flawed paired with immunity system , one forces specialisation and the other hybridazation

  • it killed most of Oskill

  • it killed most of Trigger skills

  • it greatly weakened build diversity


The current synergy system is bad, By “bad” I mean the damage only aspect of synergy system. By being damage only it make it so skills that get low total %damage synergy or decent total damage synergy but with too many synergy are doomed, they can never be good or take too much investment to even be decent.

Also the way synergy system got implemented was bad because it mostly add synergies on the same branch of the tree, so if you make a fireball sorc, your synergies are also fire which sucks in terms of tactics against immunes. So if you want to be hybrid it will most likely suck/be impossible because you would need 2 skills with few synergies and high total damage% from sysnergies

The way they added synergy system also killed item granted skills… those skills were already balanced by being low level in a mindset of not requiring synergies, but since they added synergies they have been kept at the same low level and cannot benefit from synergies on other classes.


A better approach to Synergies would have been skill effects based on general skill type rather than Class and damage restricted

  • projectile
  • melee
  • cold
  • fire
  • magic
  • physical
  • lightning
  • poison
  • area
  • buff
  • summon

Here’s a quick display(fine tuning required) of what it would look like based on what i started to do for a Mod i wanted to make before Blizzard cut mod support



Then the synergy bonus from each skills is special perks proper those skills

Ie: magic arrow’s synergy bonus:

  • Gain 1 additional projectile per 10 projectile skill hard point

  • Gain 5%attack rating per attack skill hardpoint

  • gain 5% magic damage per Magic skill hard point

That way a sorc/pally/barb/necro/assassin using a bow could invest in their projectile/attack/magic skill to get that bonus on Witchwild String

Other example of what could be done with such system , take Vengeance

Ie: Vengeance’s synergy bonus

  • gain 5% fire damage & 1% chance to cast firestorm(same level as vengeance capped at 20) when striking per fire skill hard point

  • gain 5% cold damage & 1% chance to cast Glacial spike on striking per cold skill hard point

  • gain 5% lightning damage & 1% chance to cast shock web on striking per lightning skill hard point

  • gain 5% attack rating per Attack skill hard point

This system also makes it less reliant on “same type skills”. Ie: fireball being synergized by fire bolt which are both pretty much the same skill. But with this system you could buff your fireball through aoe,projectile and fire skill … allowing you to synergize fireball with a plethora of choices that aren’t just a projectile fire spell like it

rather than being forced into random useless synergies just to make you waste points

this system allows you to synergise your mainskill through all the trees and skills at your disposal based on those skills properties


its only logical that if You skill into smashing monsters with your weapon… then other skill that makes you smash monsters with a weapon become better…You skill into fire skills, then you become better with all fire skills

Skills that share properties buff and get buffed when hard skill points are invested in skills with those properties

this also fixes what 1.10 killed, which is triggers, oskill and charges

by being based on properties, it allows cross-class synergy

:dragon_face:So a paladin can now make a viable Dragonscale shield hydra build by investing in projectile& fire skills (fire resist, salvation, vengeance, holy fire, holy bolt, FOH)

:boom:always wanted to make a Trang-oul Meteor build, now you can, spec in fire and AOE skills (corpse explosion, curse, fire golem, etc)

:exploding_head:Buff up magic arrow and guided arrow… congratz! if you use Brand it now synergize with the triggered Bone spear

:dash: you now encounter barbs running around with 2 horazon tornado because their physical skills buff the triggered Tornados

TLDR: by changing specific synergy skills to more general type synergies you

  • revive ctc

  • give some love to cross class oskill

  • improve viability of builds that use more than 1 tree type

  • give a lot of flexibility in your choice of synergy

  • allows you to customize your skills


go play the game instead of LITERRING the forum with your trash topics… seriously. you spend more time here than playing… and your time spent here is a huuuge waste.


Wow, someone had a bad day.


I honestly think the best move would be to hire guys like OP to do the tweaking. I don’t trust Blizzard to do it right. But, alas, I’m willing to risk it simply because we have the old D2 to fall back on if they completely mess it up.


The governments wouldn’t allow it

They wouldn’t want a game so good and addictive that the economy would crumble because nobody would work, everybody would be logged in to enjoy this masterpiece


#gaming like its Y2K.

naw just sick of seeing your threads about nonsense constantly… could do without the litter.

actually had a great day, was my mums birthday, had a nice dinner, had some excellent s e x with my girlfriend after… now time for some diablo.

and before you say “block me” or something, your threads will still show up in the list, and i’ll have to look over and see your name next it being like “oh ya, that time waster is back posting his nonsense”

Do you feel better now?

Cuz synergies them don’t… they are still bad and need some love

I have a question for you. Why you do this? If you really think they would do anything like this, you just waste time with these topics. Other than that its nice theory craftign and cool ideas maybe for some mode.

As much as we all want more content in D2, the game is just a remaster and not a reimagining.

The strict remaster argument died with 2.4

D2R is a visual remaster

But is and can be a content furtherisation

They could add content but im not holding my breath. Would like more improvements like higher level areas to level or farm.

Sure, but they wont ever goo too far changing stuff like you suggest. They are basicly just improving things/skills.

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And that’s the direct result of most of the changes I propose lol

Careful now, or there won’t be any hats that will fit your ballooning head.


I prefer to play a good and engaging game than being able to wear hats

The game lasted 22+ years with it’s crappy design and skill allocation. Hell, it was so popular that they brought it back to life with new graphics.

What makes you think it won’t last? What makes you think that the only way to make it last is to make all of these changes you are proposing?

By you standard, Pong has lasted 50years

Why would anyone want to improve video games further than this gameplay mechanics…

diablo 2 playerbase was only but a shadow of its former self when they remastered it, it’s the mods that did improvements like I mentionned that held its head above water for so long

No its not, you suggest synergies rework, thats something completely different than just improving skills.

I am not saying its bad, i didnt have time to fully read it yet , but thry wont do anything like synergy rework. Its simplytio big change.

I’m not saying we can’t improve on things…I’m just wondering why you think NOT doing so will make the game not last?