9/16/2021 Edit: Loot Systems Updates/Clarification

Your perception about loot systems seems off.

I’m not in favor of changing the loot system at all. I would never want FFA to go away. It should remain there for anyone who wants to play that way. Adding an additional option that doesn’t affect FFA players at all is not “changing the loot system”.

Never said I was, gaming is definitely not where you bring peoples personal disabilities into balancing or how to develop the game. There are certain things they can do to make it easier on some people but changing something like the loot system is not one of them. In that stance you’re taking, they should give everyone that is disabled a 500 health increase in counter strike because they’re slower aimers or because they can’t hold the mouse a certain way.

I was part of the crowd that never got good drops back in the day… The town I lived/grew up in didn’t have anything better than dial-up until after I moved out on my own. I know how much it sucks to watch someone grab the 1 unique that dropped from an act boss because your internet is too slow to get it yourself. Even with those issues, I wouldn’t want ploot to be a thing in d2r. If ploot were to be implemented, as stated above people would want incresed drop rates (which bring in the D3 problems). After that they will make items accoubt bound, or bind on equip making the trading game pointless. Then they will increase drop rates even more… So on and so forth. Just leave the game alone already…

To a middle ground solution where personal loot is made optional so that both camps can get what they want. Win-win.

That’s fine, so long as if this option was put in, that it would act like HC/SC barrier, in that those chars flagged for ploot would be kept completely apart on their own realm maybe?

the only difference being is your are supposed to be playing cooperatively in diablo 2 when in a party.

also counter strike is an actually competitive game with real balance unlike d2

Very easy fix for that my dude. Create a game and only you do the mf run, congrats all the loot you want to yourself.

This is what I have been saying frequently. I am glad that you now recognize its merits. Even though I can see why at game creation would also work but probably is not worth it intellectuallly.

Diablo 2 is just as competitive trying to pick up the godly drops in public baals or public chaos games. What are you saying?

Why not fight that if it happens instead of assume it will happen? Why wouldn’t people just ask for more drops anyway? What’s to stop them from doing that right now? Why would a ploot system make a difference in such a demand happening. If someone isn’t able to beat scripts in FFA, they will gain more loot in ploot games. Thus it LIMITS the potential of people asking for more loot, in that sense. We can speculate all we want, but it doesn’t matter. The issue at hand is all that matters. Not wild speculations of slippery slopes.

It has zero merits, but if it means we don’t have to put up with the constant demands all the time and we can get down to enjoying the game with shared loot, and you guys can play on your own realm then fine, so be it.

That would be a good solution.

so hardcore/softcore/ entitled?

OK but what about when I want to play a public game? Just “nope, sorry, can’t do it”? That’s the problem. The Diablo community shouldn’t settle for such things because of scripting and ping issues.

We are playing and helping each other. We are killing the prime evil, what more can I help you with? Do you want me to help you use your health potions and mana potions too? This is hell we’re talking about, if you want a game full of people helping each other than make a private game with your friends. It’s so simple and yet so effective but you guys want to change EVERYONES public gaming experience because you can’t grab loot fast enough.

0.15 sec. 150ms. If you think this is all good then im pretty sure you have no problem if there would be delayed ploot with 150 ms latency. Aka if something drops for you in ploot system you have 0.15 sec to get the loot or after the times up i can also see the loot.

You can play the public game KNOWING your chances of getting loot with be lower because you’re competing against 7 other people that want the loot just as bad as you do.

But the issue is my chances are lower because I’m not using a script and others are. This is a fix to that. Pretending this away isn’t going to move the conversation forward.

Nah bro they can’t handle that, they want everything in their favor.