9/16/2021 Edit: Loot Systems Updates/Clarification

The chances of you running into somebody that had auto pickit when blizzard had warden running was so low man. Come on, stop blaming pickit or bots.

an option to make games with personal loot while still having ffa as an option for other people is not changing everyone’s public gaming experience. but having said that i doubt you will understand just how you don’t understand that the current loot system isn’t 100% perfect like you claim.

What you want is a better security system. Not a better loot system. This system has been proven time and time again to be the best.

Well i just implemented the system what he likes so much. :grin:

You know that only a tiny minority of players cheat right? “using scripts” as you call it. Your chances at getting loot in public games are no lower than anyone else.

Are you trying to tell me that bot sightings are almost non existent because of warden?

I’m 100% telling you that while warden was active and they cared about Diablo 2, you did not run into bots in public games. You did not run into picking using cheats in public games. When they stopped banning people and bots and autopickit became available for everyone then yea you did. When blizzard STOPPED caring for the game.

If you had to guess what percent?

Do you think MrLLamaSC follower/people who voted in his recent poll are similar in profile to potential D2R gamers?

Well if that is the case with launch into the coming months, I’ll drop the issue then. We shall see.

What makes it not work? Please elaborate. The only examples I’ve yet seen from people are all PERSONAL disabilities or personal hardware problems. What part of the loot system INGAME has failed or has made it unfair for anyone?

You are faster than me. Not fair. :rofl:

Get them Twitter fingers up, and I’m on mobile lmfao not even my computer :joy::joy:

  1. Melee versus ranged.
  2. Differential ping due to where you live/physical distance to data center hosting game

MissCheetah even responded to your post earlier with reasons.

You picked melee or range from character screen knowing that.

Play on a server that’s closer.

Us west
Us East

There are legit servers everywhere. 80 ping vs 40 ping is nothing. We both still see exactly the same thing.

um it would just be a game creation/join/search option. not exactly a big deal

You’re both talking extreme ping disadvantages like 200 ping vs 30 ping. If you have 200 ping do you really think you should be playing Diablo 2 in a public server?

It’s also 2021 man, this isn’t the age of dial up. If you’re connected to the internet and have even the worst of the worst hotspot from a phone. You’re still not lagging to the point you have 200 ping. If you have that constantly then it’s a problem.

I like how you ignore the proliferation of pickits throughout D2’s existence. Considering how little they’ve care about bots in D2, D3 and WOW, don’t expect them to care in D2R.

Did I say I ignored them? I specifically said while warden was up and when they cared about the security of the game. Read before you respond please.

I like how you want to change the game around cheaters and not protesting to ban them. God knows why… :thinking: