9/16/2021 Edit: Loot Systems Updates/Clarification

If it was the intended reason for it, than it would’ve been personal loot. But it NEVER was and this system works better. Look at every single game that has personal loot, without an auction house there is literally 0 trading. Diablo has the ability to make PUBLIC games so you can trade. P8 is literally for more experience man, always has been and always will be.

Public games are viable for loot, but everyone else on the team also have a shot at it. Look, at someone said earlier, the issue is here, you want loot, and you think that ploot is the ticket to the best items. All we are saying is that you will likely be disappointed if they put in ploot on an update and on day one of that update, you find that you are not rolling in HR’s.

What we are saying is, the inevitable next step is to demand loot rate increases. We saw this with D3, the habitual demands from the get go, Blizzrd listened and the loot system in D3 took a dive, because the demands just never end.

wrong phrasing i guess, he does not want A Chance, he wants an item.

Yep pls do it for me. Maybe i missed something in the game.

David Brevik has freely admitted had they known about the concept when making d2 it might have been personal loot.

Well I’m not saying the intended functionality was ploot. It’d be in there if that was the case. I’m saying the intended functionality didn’t include pickit scripts. This fixes that. Yes, I wish Blizzard would find a way to actively get rid of all scripts, but that’s not going to happen.

Instanced/personal loot was not yet invented when D2/D2:Lod was developed and released. It never was a design decision by Brevik and the Schaefer brothers that FFA loot was superior. Personal loot at that time did not exist.

You have the same exact chance I have of grabbing that item wether you like it or not. If your ping is 100+ it’s not my fault and I shouldn’t be penalized because of your hardware or where you live. This game isn’t about everyone having a roll to get an item that dropped. It’s to slay monsters pick up what you can and move on. That’s what Diablo has been from day one, stop trying to change how the game is.

here’s a game with personal loot, trading and a website dedicated to trading.

Well that’s completely in your head and no one is asking for that. So it’s a non issue. Until someone suggest such a thing, it’s not an argument. It’s a baseless speculation. And if someone did suggest that, they would be met with mass opposition. Making up potential slippery slope issues is a logical fallacy.

Epic Games says that “Rapid Turbo Building favours players with low ping in disproportionate ways” when it comes to turtling and taking walls.

There will be a delay of 0.15 seconds between destroying a structure and building another one at the exact same spot. Second, when two players are trying to do so simultaneously, it will be decided randomly whose structure is given the ground.

What a joke of an example. The trading system on that game is literally the biggest joke. You don’t ever communicate with anyone, you don’t ever play in public games, you don’t even see people unless you’re in town.

But it’s not, because we have seen it before and it will be the next demand, but lets hope it never comes to that.

So you want more loot simply because your ping is less due to where you live in comparison to someone else?

Well I would hope it never comes to that. I would fight tooth and nail against it.

lol great stance to take "everyone has the exact same chance it’s not my fault you chose to be born differently, or decided to get seriously injured in an accident, or came down with a disease.

You are a true champion of the people

if this was a new game than yes it would be fine, making a game with it as a start is one thing, playing frankenstein adding ploot into a game that was not meant to have it does not work. and with regards to Brevik, love what he did with this game all respect to him. but it is easy in 2021 agreeing with the loudest cry outs when its not ur a¤¤ on the line, or ur game/responsibelity. he gets attention and popularity… but ploot does this actually benefit the game in the long run, the answer is no. it will stop a few things that is important for longevity. Trading, excitement and competetion…

Nope I want the chances of getting that loot to be 100% for everyone. Just because you have high ping doesn’t mean I should miss out on an item. And just because you have 100 ping doesn’t mean you should get a handicap. If you want handicaps go play Mario kart.

Blizzard has stated they are very interested in adding accessibility features to the game. Collecting more items because of where you live is not a game mechanic, and should be remedied.

I appreciate you saying that but with respect, what right do you have to fight tooth and nail against it? You are for ploot, radical change to the loot system. If you get your wish, why shouldn’t they get theirs?

So you see how this goes?