9/16/2021 Edit: Loot Systems Updates/Clarification

The point is, there will certainly not be a ploot afterwards, even if you at least not fully grant the possibility - but maybe only maybe as a maximum game option.
The question is why should they? The ability to keep it open is to keep it calm. As always :joy:

Agreed and that is what I stated. I said " if and that is a big if" as quoted below.

What would be their motivation to add in personal loot after launch? I would guess it would be implemented with a big update/expansion pack. I don’t think anyone that actually enjoyed D2 would withhold their purchase until ploot was implemented right?

To add another option for players that wanted that. Even among D2 players (>98% self-identified) that responded to the reddit poll (now ~9,000), only 38% voted to keep D2R FFA only. D2R will have an influx of new players. I suspect many will want a personal loot optional.

In addition to extra sales from any holdouts, Blizzard reports MAU (Monthly Active Users) as part of ATVI’s quarterly investor reposts. They have a vested interest in keeping players playing. Those who want FFA loot can keep playing that; however those that are discourged by no personal loot might quit playing resulting in reduced MAU.

Some may make the counterargument that some players will quit if optional personal loot is added, thereby resulting in less MAU. Since FFA loot was not being removed and was still the default (i.e. optional personal loot requires opt in), I think these numbers would be relatively small.

Pretty sure people would frequently switch between the two modes.
Many of us have already stated that we will use both modes. And many of you have said they would visit us to try to pk us. So they would also working hard on uniting the community.

And then you take away all the items, leave the game for good and never seem that person again. Oh, good times. The friendships we built.

Btw, all still very much the same in ploot. Except for the taking all items part. You know, the bad stuff.

Yes, the community will grow.
People in FFA games will no longer have to complain about leechers, because they clearly will all go to ploot (according to some of you). It will just be the peak of the cream of the top of the mountain of the elite of the core of the OGs of the veterans of those who really understand the game.
And every item grabbed from you in a FFA game will be from someone that you were fighting alongside with in this very board.

I did not try to belittle it. I just wanted to say, that it is on the “feelings” department. So there is no concrete reason that you can make out. It is just a vague feeling.
A mix of losing some chances on maybe grabbing loot, maybe not meeting a certain playertype in your game anymore, maybe having only very efficient FFA games and no longer casual games around, maybe you do want new players to have the same experience as you back in the days, but will it be the same or did you have to be there at the right time and place?
All those things are valid concerns, but they are opposed to just as valid concerns about making the game more enjoyable for the old-guard and also for those who have legitimate impairments of various nature.
The question is whether your sentiments are really benefiting more than the sentiments that stand opposed. And if they are not, then why that smaller group should overrule the bigger one. Because they were here first? Because they are “better”? Because they know better?

Those are tough and philosophical questions that we cannot answer here. We can contest and challenge them, but we have to answer them in our own minds. And that will “just” lead to one vote. Of that one mind voting for and against.

It is not a new taste. It is just the first chance to have a realistic chance to get what many of us have wished for for the better part of 20 years.
Accommodating new tastes and fighting some botting/pickit exploits are just some nice side-dishes served along with it.

Agreed. Afterall, we are all part of the same community and we will need to get along with each other for another 20 years after 23rd of Sept.:wink:

i see 5 people is keeping the ploot dreams alive in a few threads. good for you :slight_smile:

Rich words coming from someone claiming a survey about D2R is actually about D4.
How do you even come up with these things?

Pretty sure the “keep calm” statement was directed to a different crowd. You will figure it out given some time.

Why would you still be holding shares of ATVI. That can’t even be considered brave :smiley:

I’m done arguing with you. Good luck and enjoy the original D2

Didnt really see you arguing in good faith tbh. Just some random insults. So do not flatter yourself as one of the great debatters.

we use ffa only as there will never be toggle…ask different server!

there’s nothing better!

Yes. But
No Changes Server: FFA only
Changes Server: FFA and Timed Allocation. So the toggle would still be there for the people on Changes server. Since the point of Changes is to build on top of D2R, not replace.

uhm no try to decide! u do ffa or ploot…u seriously even think blizz would ever even think about doing ffa & ffa+ploot…uhm don’t think so

They don’t even need separate realms.

Just a game creation/join game option.

Which isn’t coming at launch so maybe people should focus on other things like maybe eliminating stamina cause it’s pointless even at start of game where you can just spam stamina potions.
Ilvl stats on drops
In game better filters or better highlighting for drop types

What are you talking about?
That happens when you take sentences out of context and then no longer understand them yourself :joy:
I don’t have to wait for anything because there is nothing to wait for. You too will have to realize that at some point :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

And how are you going to interpret a statement that comes from me differently than I interpret it myself - that doesn’t make any sense bro

Have fun with FFA in 3 weeks haha :sob::sob::sob::joy:

It’s not happening. Ever. Get over it and grow up everyone.

They literally said that they would do just that if ploot was ever added…
Anyway, would make no sense not to do it that way.

So what was the context? Whow as he replying to? was it someone asking for ploot or someone scared about ploot?
You talked the talk, now walk the walk.

And since you will surely dodge this question anyway, as so many are doing lately, here is your answer:

we wouldn’t want to alter the loot experience for [the kids]

So who was he talking to? A person that is afraid that the “original game” is being altered. (as in FFA mode being removed)

Feels pretty stupid to come up with a retort and being proven wrong so easily, right?

Maybe do your research before you try these little mind games. You are not equipped well enough for it.

It doesn’t matter what he said because it was my personal statement on the subject and you shot it as if it wasn’t mine.
You don’t get your ploot anyway, you know and you will see.
Are you really so sad that you don’t get what you want like a little baby?

you can’t be serious, it sold over 30 mill copies just to begin with not counting after that with the expansion. d3 has more than likely made blizz more money than d2 + d2r ever will combined. i am sorry to say, but d3 is a huge success at least money wise/units sold. please quit making things up, thanks.