9/16/2021 Edit: Loot Systems Updates/Clarification



ye u can buy a boost with gold for any gears/raids/ratings. and u can get gold with bying a token from blizzards store and sell it in ah…

Optional p-loot would change the feeling of the entire multiplayer game by splitting the community. This is not the same as a community split by separate servers - the communities would be whole within each of those realms. My point is a Diablo 2 split by different deep rules game to game will feel quite different from the way multiplayer D2 has always felt.

In D2 as it’s always been, we see another player and have some kind of automatic relationship just due to the fact that we’re all playing the same game. I think that sense is very easy to take for granted, and it won’t be there if people are no longer following the same deep rules.

Maybe that’s a justified sacrifice for being able to give players in Diablo 2 the option to play with modern-game looting mechanics. But it’s not true that there will be zero sacrifice, zero significant change to how the game has been all these years. It’ll affect the community - a playerbase that used to all be playing by the same rules will be split.

And we won’t even know who’s been doing what. Probably won’t matter to many, but I see it as affecting the community feel of the game in a very deep way. Again, maybe that change will be determined to be OK. But let’s not pretend there’s no change at all to the game at a deep level by splitting the community up in this fashion.

You may dismiss that as mere feelings and “bellyaches”, but what is the value of this game if not feelings? Feelings are why I’ve preordered D2R, why I want to go back to it. Diablo 2 had an extremely unique feeling, and a huge part of that is a unique multiplayer dynamic, unified in a way that has been utterly taken for granted. Will it not matter if the multiplayerbase is no longer unified in that way? Maybe that change will be worth letting people ploot. But there’s no doubt the overall feeling of playing multiplayer in Diablo 2 will shift into something new.

And that is the reason for the protest. Because it seems quite ridiculous to us that such a game, an old, decayed epic which is being miraculously restored so we may enjoy it again, must have a part of its essence transformed. Why must an old game be changed to accommodate new tastes? Why is ‘what it is’ not exactly enough? And especially when these modern preferences are found abundantly elsewhere, and in the exact same franchise, in a very promising brand new game coming soon. These are why those same arguments are invoked again and again in various ways.

Of course I understand people want to play the game differently, I don’t need nuance to know that. It takes nuance to see how enabling these people to play this old game differently will affect the game as a whole, which means all the players. I also don’t agree people who want to play Diablo 2 with different deep mechanics should be accommodated, and that’s our difference. I don’t see that as elitist because it’s not even about value judgements on players - it’s about preserving the experience this very unique game offers when its deep mechanics are left unchanged.

There is really no other game like Diablo 2.

Is it time for its essence to change in some ways so players can have entirely new experiences with it?

Given all the factors and its place in the current game marketplace, I don’t think so - but I see D2R more as a preservation project than a “building on” project. I think that’s another fundamental difference in perspectives, maybe what gives rise to the others.

Anyway, I’m glad to have a multitude of opinions out here.

The fact is that Blizzard apparently does not consider adding optional personal loot a deep mechanic change. See below:

To me it seems like they just don’t have any problems with adding deep mechanic changes. Considering some of the fairly wild things they asked in their survey. Timed Allocation would be (and is) a minuscule change compared to many of those.

wrong! if this would been the case they might even added ploot! but even they saw that it’s not good here and does not belong in this game. u can argue much as u want.

it’s still outside of being Qol upgrade. and most things announced already are fine as it’s going to be. but sadly the ladder change was bad decision they did.

MicroRNA doesn’t work for Blizzard. He seems to think he has some insider knowledge when Mr. Llama asked the question about PLoot recently.

He was told it was considered a core gameplay mechanic and too important to the classic nature of the game. When the game launches and 6 months later ladder comes, you won’t have PLoot/Toggle, Charm Inventory, or a Hostile Handshake.

If you do get such features, its filter by loot type and instant hostile every public game.

I do not work for Blizzard. I never claimed to work for Blizzard. I can not even think of anything that I ever said that even could be misconstrued.

For clarity, I do not work for Blizzard nor do I have any inside sources.

Those are for structuring D4 and if they listen to those surveys it will flop like D3.

You are mistaken that those will impact D2R.

If you work for blizzard let me know. I’ll sell my shares now. The incompetence on display from you is amazing.

You replied to my post whose contents are shown below. Is my quote below not abundantly clear?

Not talking about the announced stuff but what they have asked in the survey.

Yes, you should do that. That is what D2 is.

Hopefully it will be separate servers, to preserve the original game, so you would have to start over, but other than that, go ahead. Sounds like a fun goal.

Yes, surely a question about gem stacking or horadric cube is D4 questions.
But interesting that you assume the result of the survey will support changes.

It has become abundantly clear that some people can’t be reached no matter how clearly you explain things.
(and before some troll army show up; reach does not mean you have to agree with anything, just don’t lie and repeat misinformation)

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz your both just white noise.

Go look at the devs twitter. Your request will never ever happen.

Go screw up D4

Except it will happen at some stage :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

ur right it will happen at some point and some game. that point and game is D4 not before that. but never in D2R

Okay, facts: D2R starts 100% without Ploot.
And it’s gooood☝️ tc

That is absolutely correct from what Rod stated.

Did you all not see the instant feedback from hundreds on Twitter.

They aren’t going to mess with a game to appease 10% of the player base.

Bad business… and for the fact this was sold as a remaster. Yes some QOL changes. But mechanics being the same.

You just want to force your opinions down everyone’s throat. But I guess that is the norm for 2021.

On twitter, many opposed and many supported. For those that opposed, many incorrectly thought that personal loot meant up to 8x drops. Also, twitter was brigaded from users of a different forum.

Replacing FFA loot would be bad, since one could argue rationally that it does not preserve an authentic D2 experience. Introducing optional personal loot as Rod outlined at game creation that would require opt in is quite different, since the old FFA system was preserved and the default selection. Please note that Rod said if and that is a big if. This option may never be introduced.

"if we were ever to do it we would make it an option for the game you create so that people have to opt in to that style." - Rod Fergusson

There are dozens of us, dozens!

Nobody are being forced into liking ploot.