9/16/2021 Edit: Loot Systems Updates/Clarification

Get your tinfoil hats on. D2 gamers are gonna make a private Deepmind AI and use it to have a pickit in d2 instead of making hundred of millions of dollars in ways that it can be more useful :joy: :joy: :joy:

Well, you can see that simply discussing the issue drives entire groups into “frothing at the mouth” posting.

So I wager there is an economic side to this, too :wink:

You should actually read up and understand how neural networks work. I had my son knock out his high school comp sci final by creating a neural net that would solve “where’s Waldo” games. It’s really not a difficult concept.

MICRONAS continuous cry for ploot. This is a celebration thread for FFA!

Ploot just doesn’t need to be done. Private games is solo loot. Play with friends and share loot.

The game for its time felt like an open environment because what you saw happen and what I saw happen was exactly the same.

I still get hype seeing drops even if I only get 1/10th of the loot because I’m a slow clicker.

The open world feel would be lost without it. Its fun competing with peers in any aspect of life. Including a game grabbing loot.

Its called a challenge. Thankfully the ploot crowd will have D4. Yes I will play D4 and I am OK with ploot in that game. It just isn’t core to D2.

As for the pickit and bot crowd you should focus on demanding a billion dollar company in activision to put the necessary resources to combat that!

It seems very clear to me they plan on implementing a ploot option after launch sales are complete, etc. I’m also looking forward to having item filters. I think it will all get done. Blizz knows what they’re doing here.

Pew pew pew pew pew pew. I’ll see you on my assasin and with no wsg you are in for a treat !

Um What? Are you ok?

Out of curiosity, was Personal Loot ever discussed here on the forums in regards to Opt-In via Game Creation? I just realized I never personally thought about it in that form and realized that actually would be an entirely 100% acceptable way to implement it. (and if I did, I don’t remember and didn’t come to this realization before lol)

Player chooses to join game and accepts full responsibility for reading lobby details. I see no reason not to. I’m still pro FFA and all of my lobbies and any joined would be for certain FFA, but I’m down with this. Provided, y’know, it isn’t entire loot table instanced loot per player

Yes, while you could find somewhat different views on PL (like can you see all the drops or only the ones you won), basically everyone seemed to agree on the toggle on game creation.

Yeah, I would be vehemently against that too.

They are already not required to do it. They can just play solo games or private games.
So what is your point? You want to force all the people who already do not enjoy the “edgy” multiplayer into solo games? Why? Do you have any beaf in that game apart from wanting to dictate how other people are playing a game without affecting you?

Maybe you should put your energy into the fight against dupes, bots, hacks and the likes. Because these things actually do affect you. But i guess it is much easier to just hate upon people who are just asking for some mutual fairness in their games.

It has been our mantra for the past 2 months. So yeah, it was “discussed”. “Discussed” meaning the way things are discussed with that eloquent group of no-nos that we have spamming around.
So i do not blame you for not seeing it. But there was a big chance to see it since we said it in every ~2nd post. :wink:

Get a life dude… Purist or not Purist, only some body Who make a living from this game will be act like you i think… Me only want some enjoyment with friend…

True. I also edited the first post in this thread with more thoughts on Rod’s comments.

Regarding #2, i do not think the “loot experience” was explicitly about the drop chances. (on this i am sure most of us agree anyway)

I think the fan was making the argument that the “all or nothing” ffa loot experience should still be part of the game. I think that is the part that Rob Fergusson and his team also wants to preserve. (possibly as an option)


As we have stated, personal loot does not lead to up to 8x total drops as some have falsely claimed. If it did (which it doesn’t), then it would necessitate it in a separate realm. Rod was clear that it would be at game creation so the total loot drop rate certainly must remain constant.

let me help you with the 3rd tweet he did

here it is
Relax - we’re not doing it. People are allowed to discuss things and hear other people’s opinions.

ohh and let me collect the salt in this thread to my salt jar…

Indeed that is what was said.

That quote was in the first post as part of the image. He said “we’re not doing it”. You need to look at the tweet that he responded to as to what “it” is. That quote is also there.

You are right in that Blizzard is not altering the FFA loot system. It will remain in game for those that want an unaltered FFA loot experience.

The quote from 8 minutes earlier is about the introduction of optional personal loot. Rod makes it clear as he tweeted before that it would not be introduced at game launch. He also went further to say if (and it is a big if) optional personal loot was introduced after launch, that it would be at game creation and others would have to opt in. This would keep the FFA loot system intact for anyone who wanted that loot experience and the default choice. It would give others the ability to select the non-default option.

you forgot somthing let me help you

Yes, you were focusing on that only, ignoring the second part, so I was trying to help you. Both are part of the tweet.

Personal loot has ZERO place in Diablo 2. Z E R O. There won’t be enough playerbase to split the players with an option to toggle it on or off.

is what he answerd to. pretty obv,