9/16/2021 Edit: Loot Systems Updates/Clarification

ahh really? so i postet a tweet with all. so if i was ingoring the second part. i woulden have postet it.

people discuss 100000 of things.

That they do indeed. Different loot systems is one of those things.

yup. and they came yo the conclusion, that not to bring it in D2R. Easy

That was not what Rod said at all. No where did Rod say that there won’t be enough playerbase to split the players with an option to toggle it on or off. If this were true, D2R would be an absolute business failure and proof that keeping the game with no/few changes was an unmitigated disaster.

that was the tweet rod answerd to… just like a said

somone said
Personal loot has ZERO place in Diablo 2. Z E R O. There won’t be enough playerbase to split the players with an option to toggle it on or off.

rod answer
Relax - we’re not doing it. People are allowed to discuss things and hear other people’s opinions.

No we dont want personal loot.

Please provide a screenshot of this tweet where someone said and the fact that Rod replied specifically to it.

Th first post has a screenshot that shows the connecting line for the tweet that Rod replied to.

go look at tweet&replise from rob. its not hard.
its not that easy to post pic with mobile

If Blizzard’s fear of adding optional personal loot is that it will split the playerbaseand the playerbase is too small that does not bode well.

obv not the same as in post 1.

This is simply a yikes for me as an explanation.

look at replies. its right ther. here look

why is it yikes? are you happy with the proff?

I guess we will know soon enough about D2R sales. 9/23/2021 is part of the third quarter. If the sales numbers are good, I suspect that they will be announced at the ATVI investor call with specifics.

Also does anyone know how twitter “reply” architecture changes when an account is deleted. I wonder if this explains the discrepancy. The screenshot in the first post was from yesterday and was made before an account was deleted.

i have no ide. i only looked at twitter after people in here posted stuff from Rod-

you dont like Rod`s Answer?

I do not know how twitter deals with deleted accounts, but i can confirm that there was the post from your screenshot directly before Rob Fergussons post at the time that the post was made.

Rod’s two tweets make sense to me and others and I think my interpretation makes sense.


But this one does not fit in. Unless he makes a difference between personal loot (as in d3) and split loot (as we are suggesting).


If they implement ploot they have enabled a bypass for classic gameplay, preserved.

Therefore, the game will no longer be as advertised and massive refunds will be instigated. It’s bad enough TCP/IP was removed.

If ploot is implemented Blizzard will lose money galore.

What would that bypass be?