9/16/2021 Edit: Loot Systems Updates/Clarification


who wouldve thought :stuck_out_tongue:
theres not even going to be minor things like Ladder XD
stop dreaming kids

Games not change their mechanics around cheaters but banning them.

Wow. The vehement replies from all the purists at the mere possibility of a future ploot OPTION. You all sounds like such well rounded individuals that are too used to getting more than your fair share of the pie.

Dumb ploot activists: “Oh no no Ploot”

while, me an intellectual : “not happening at launch” so changes will be roll out afterward

Yea when everyone jumped ship

In fact, it suggests that if personal loot is introduced later, it would be as an “opt-in” mode that players would have to select.

My guess is: it is still on the table (sadly), and they will try to add it sometime around the introduction of ladders to ‘guarantee loot for timmy mcslowclick’.

so you get it form. you``re literally fighting against somthing that isn`t being done

and ther is one more.
he say

Relax - we’re not doing it. People are allowed to discuss things and hear other people’s opinions.

Did you read all his tweets?

“Hey, first, I only said it was a thing that we discussed and if we were ever to do it we would make it an option for the game you create so that people have to opt in to that style. But it’s definitely not happening at launch.”

Nowhere does he say “it will never happen”. He says “definitely not at launch”. There’s a difference there.

that tweet is older. sorry to break it to you.

timestamps are hard ones!

By a few minutes? And nothing he writes after contradicts what I pasted above.

I hate to break it to you, but literacy counts in this world. You can’t just ignore facts, as written and quoted.

Relax - we’re not doing it. People are allowed to discuss things and hear other people’s opinions.

FACT what Rob said. you cant ignore facts right?

FACT: “not at launch” != “never doing it” - which he never said.

I hate to break it to you, but there’s no getting around this fact.

he answer to this

Personal loot has ZERO place in Diablo 2. Z E R O. There won’t be enough playerbase to split the players with an option to toggle it on or off.

and he said

Relax - we’re not doing it. People are allowed to discuss things and hear other people’s opinions.

pretty obv it a lost cause. sorry to say.
keep graspin.

“At launch” is hard to understand, apparently. As is my post above which clearly indicates I’m against it.

Try posting from a logical place, not one of emotion. Yeesh.

at launch. was tweeted before. its not hard to get. but if you dont wanner face the true. ill fell sorry for you… its like saying i hate pizza. 5min later tasted a good pizza, and say i like pizza.

it dosent meen i hate pizza. just because of the timeframe. keep graspinn.

Gibberish, from someone who can’t understand the logical distinction between “not at launch” and “never”. You’re the one grasping - I hate to “break it to you”. Yikes!

you logic is… ohh wait ther is no logic… keep them salty tears comming…

i once said somtning. i can NEVER say antything els :slight_smile: real logic.

^^ Stay in school, kids. This isn’t a good look.

just like all others in her when proven wrong. trying to make you self look good… ohh the salt.

i once liked CS_GO no i dont. but i have to still like it. i see. thx for telling people what to think/say. and mean.