9/16/2021 Edit: Loot Systems Updates/Clarification

These are the same people crying wolf about cheaters when it’s a known fact that after the blizzard team stopped caring for Diablo it went to a bot fest. The game wouldn’t need a remaster because everyone and their moms would be on battle.net if there were no bots.

It’s not really fair for a character that puts very little points into HP to be dealing more AOE damage than a tankier character and has a less chance of being near the loot when it drops. For boss fights it’s more managable (but there’s those times where they do die getting too close), for this character to have to alter the gameplay for a CHANCE of a nearby mob dropping an item is a flaw for ranged gameplay. Yeah you can say that’s just the game, but if they did put in an optional loot system, you already know most ranged players are going to turn on the optional system on because they would feel its more fair to them.

There is literally 1 character that should be spending their points into anything other than hp + stats for items. That’s a full dex bowzon. When they have the highest dodge and evade in the game. They actually don’t get hit much in the game when theyre high enough level.

It’s not news to Blizzard. We already know what Blizzard will do, protest or not. It’s been decades of the same. It would be silly to expect them to change now. But nice try.

Its nutty how just like 5 of you guys can get these threads over 200-300 comments within hours of being posted.

To be completely honest though guys, if we are looking at this objectively, ploot is very clearly an extremely divisive change and ANY of the devs who took even 3-seconds to glance at these forums will see a giant wave of backlash if they actually did add ploot. And due to that fact, if i was a betting man, i wouldn’t be putting my money on that obviously losing horse.

It’s not a change tho. It’s an addition. The current game as it is will be unchanged. You can keep playing FFA. The main opponents of ploot are simply those who don’t understand the argument.

why are you arguing semantics? let me change the sentence, its still exactly the same. its an extremely divisive addition. :roll_eyes: (literally proved my point with the fact that people can’t even help arguing the semantics of the ploot change. lol)

It’s not a semantic. It seems to me most people think ploot supporters are trying to install an instanced D3 loot system on everyone. That would be a change to the game. ploot is an addition. It changes nothing. It’s important to convey what is actually being suggested. That’s why I’m going to be a stickler about anything that can be misconstrued.

you’re not even talking to me. why did you respond to my comment? i literally argued that its a divisive change/addition. doesn’t matter. its still DIVISIVE. thats the point. its the only change in the entire forum with MORE people against it than for it. thats my point. Not that it will or wont change the game. that fact is irrelevant to it being divisive.

I would argue it’s only divisive because most people don’t understand it. That’s the point.

irrelevant. you can’t make everyone whos against it suddenly understand your point of view. they aren’t you.

What is clear that ploot supporters are on a crusade to change the loot system what suits their playstyle better instead of going rampant against Blizz to ban cheaters. But nice try.

I wasn’t a big fan Of this @ first but, after playing the closed/open betas it reminds me of how toxic the looting system can be in D2lod… I.E.
players standing around leeching exp, waiting to snipe items off the ground while not killing anything…
I’ve always been a Nice guy doing pub runs in the game for others so normally I wouldn’t mind missing out on loot when the economy was already established and prices are Super cheap, But in a Fresh economy loot snipers will be a thing, and Items will be super Overvalued for awhile while everyone works toward endgame gear and runes we could see many months of hyper inflation on items.
and at least this way if something drops in a game Labeled FFA Or PLOOT you know and accept the outcome. I think the Biggest risk and Issue with PLOOT is that if it isn’t implemented correctly it’ll make the sniper problem worse but instead of Snipers we will have Sloths, The sloth is the guy the runs behind a group just looking at all the junk on the ground picking things up leeching exp never really playing the game or participating. So they Needa Set the PLoot setting in a way were if you didn’t hit it or you weren’t even close proximity no loot would drop.

I’d never suggest I could. I can try and lay out the reality of what’s being suggested as succinctly as possible though.

true. and more power to you. i was simply pointing out facts about if the devs are glancing at the forums for feedback to make changes. again, i don’t care if ploot is added. im saying the CHANCES of ploot being added are very very low because of the giant crowd against it. You may change a few minds, but no amount of comment-warriors in here will make a dent in the hardcore purists who are against ploot.

What’s wrong with adding a mode that suits a demographic’s playstyle? You still will have FFA. Nothing changes for you and you’re not affected in any way. So tell me what is wrong with adding a mode to suit a demographic’s playstyle? Some people don’t like competing against scripts. But if that’s your playstyle, have at it.

Well, so be it. This is an idea I think would enhance the game for many, and leave it unchanged for those who like FFA more. If it’s not added, it’s no big deal to me. D2 is the greatest game ever made, and needs nothing in order to continue wearing that crown.

And guess what. With ploot he still can leech xp and also getting guaranteed loot. If i would be a leecher i would definitely vote for ploot. Nobody could even say im stealing loot. xD

Tons of monster die in 1 hit. Oh well after i geared out more loot for me also. xD

oh well then i just stay close to you and getting free xp and getting guaranteed loot.

Wait until they hear how long it takes to level to 85+ and how many Baal runs it takes. Lmfao I can’t wait to see how many people quit because they don’t want to do anymore Baal runs for experience.

I like when blizz is doing ban wave. You like to change loot system around cheaters.
So i guess you have nothing against a toggle for infinite health and mana after all…