9/16/2021 Edit: Loot Systems Updates/Clarification

What you describe is kiiiinda similar to when companies don’t release micro transactions at launch…. To avoid bad initial PR. Then release them after 3 months.

If you change the loot system from FFA to medal for participation system that is drastic.

Why would they announce ploot? They never told that its ever going to happen. When they are still unsure what they should announce?

Account Bound / Smart loot is NEXT.

I wouldnt be surprised…

Kinda don’t even care anymore. Half these people aren’t going to find anything anyway :smiley:

All media interviews have pointed to very little change at launch, but that they would listen to feedback from players and make changes if they wanted them. This isn’t coming out of left field. Launch is supposed to be the nostalgia hit, afterwards they were open to change. This isn’t just for personal loot, but for balance changes, qol, etc. Now will they do personal loot? I still highly doubt it. But I don’t discount the possibility either, especially if they feel that they have to address too many cheaters and use it as a way to save face for constantly having to stay on top of it.

^this. I’m over caring about ploot as an option, the drops are so rare in this game and if you split the loot 8 ways in baal runs the chances of you getting anything good is next to zero with ploot. its going to be pure hilarious irony once they get what they want and hate it when its implemented. lol :joy:

The tweet is from today. :upside_down_face:

Correct. My sense is that they have not reached a consensus but want to prepare players that it may come later.


It is a tweet from the head of the entire Diablo franchise at Blizzard. Why are you questioning its validity? Are you thinking someone hacked his twitter account? That seems preposterous.

They never said that personal loot would not be introduced in multiplayer. In fact when Blizzard was asked explicitly months ago about adding personal loot their answer was not yet but we are continuing to listen to feedback. I know I have quoted this interview and linked it repeatedly on the forum.

See above. They actually said it was a wait and see and that they were listening to player feedback so it was still possible.

What is not new that they considering ploot. :upside_down_face: And considering still dosent mean it happens.

See above. They never told you get what you want.

They never said that personal loot ever going to be introduced in multiplayer. What they told if they see people to ask for it they going to consider it. Who told that “Its not about numbers” ?

They are still considering it today apparently as it is still being discussed. If I was a purist, this would horrify me as it means that the addition of personal loot has not been excluded as some have claimed falsely.

Considering does not mean it will happen. Not considering means that is DOA. Therefore, personal loot option appears to remain a possibility.

If they are still discussing it, I doubt it will be an option, but a replacement tbh. And if they are discussing it, they are probably seeing how viable it would be to plug into the loot calculation formula; ie would they have to go in and manually change the percentage calculations of the loot tables themselves, or could they simply tell the current formula to ignore no drop and have kills deliver x amount of loot from the loot tables with the current ratio percentages, etc.

As a mostly solo palyer i dont know what do you even care about loot system? If i would be a woke changer i would be jumping up and down like a monkey cus there is a chance to make from a unique game another copy paste game.

Aha? So? Something new what we dont know since months?

Just release 2 game modes - an unchanged mode and a modernized mode

A modernized mode would include so many changes which they might as well work on to keep Diablo fans occupied until D4 release, since D4 isn’t coming out for a while. Things like:

  1. Re-balance to make all skills viable in the end-game, instead of low level skills with low damage that they rely on high multiples from synergies only to still fall short.
  2. Give a reason to play through all the content (ex. play through entire Act 3 instead of skipping 90% of the act by handing out TPs, it cheapens the experience)
  3. More end game content

If this mode fails, you still have the unchanged mode to fall back on.

This is PR-spaek for “we’ve heard the request”. It’s not a commitment.

Correct. No commitments have been made either way. Optional personal loot may be added or not. I would argure that any forum member who claims the personal loot is not under consideration or will never happen seems to be in error and a premature/potentially false conclusion, respectively.

This is PR speak for “keep up the constructive discussion”. Something not everyone seems to be able to do lately.

You know that I support optional personal loot. I do not support replacing FFA loot.

It would be an RNG done after D2/D2:LLoD’s item calculations (i.e. post drop/no drop and item determination step). This would be before the item presumably “drops” on the ground for the players.

If multiplayer was personal loot, I would play more multiplayer.

Today is the first direct Blizzard comment about personal loot in a couple of months.

Ok so if no ploot you would stay single player. Tells alot.

Question was: “Something new what we dont know since months?”
My question was not: "How many months have passed since the last comment about ploot.

So i ask again (try to focus this time): Something new what we dont know since months?

So…like…in typical blizzard community fashion then?

Zero after-thought ideas that get added to various games from pressuring the dev team and then ragequitting because “tHat’S nOt WhAt wE mEaNT”.

Sounds about right…