[2.6 Suggestion] Melee can't compete with casters. Here are some simple ideas to fix that

Hell, I’ll take that too.

That said, with how simple some of the suggestions in the OP are to code (some less than 5 minutes), I don’t think more changes are that pessimistic of a prospect. I think the biggest hoop to jump through is just Blizzard deciding if they want to commit resources – any resources – to fixing the melee disparity in the game. If they decide “yes,” and spend 2 minutes to flip the +50% physical damage switch thay they’ve already coded, I can’t see them not spending a few more minutes to add some of the changes in the OP.

I think it’s a binary “changes or nothing” decision for Blizz. Hopefully they make the right choice. Patch notes aren’t out yet, so we’ll see if this last hurrah before D4 has any fixes soon I bet.


Fingers crossed.


Yeah my take is if there’s no way they’re willing to commit the resources to “do it right” and rescale weapon damage, skill damage/ar, etc. then I’d be happy if we at least got the 50% damage holiday buff, but I’m a little leery of “asking” for that and inadvertently ending up with a less ideal solution. Sort of like a negotiation where you may go in high leaving room to be talked down, I’m shooting for the ideal, but that still leaves room for Blizzard to notice there’s community desire for improvements, and then do the “best” solution for the amount of resources they are willing to devote to it.

I can also appreciate the opposite fear that if we ask for things that are just plainly too far out of scope, they’ll dismiss them and we’ll get nothing.


Didn’t they also do a day of 50% increased hit chance for physical builds/damage?
Pretty sure they did.

I’ll take both please.


I remember 2X HP and the +50% damage buff, I don’t remember hit chance, but I wasn’t religious about following them either so it’s possible!

IMO one of the main issues is the gear sacrifices that melee chars have to make in order to keep acceptable hit rate that casters don’t, so doing something to ease that would definitely be welcome!

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id rather improve shrines than have temporary events to buff lackluster mechanics lol

He’s asking for that effect as a permanent buff, not another temporary event…


Guys, I need to be honest with all of you right now. I have had ONE TOO MANY mangoritas, and I’m basically resigned to the fact that melee will never be on par with casters prior to D4, but I’m really happy we all joined together in this thread to fight the good fight.


EDIT: Blizz, you better not ban me for mentioning being drank off mangoritas when WoW has Dwarves running around drunk off ale!

EDIT 2: Dwarves 4 life.


AM not holding My breath but i’ll wait until patch notes …

I Will keep the fight , D4 being perma online is a complete deal breaker for me , so i can’t run there . It’s d2r or back to vanilla wow .

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Melee always sticks together buddy… just watch us in a p8 MF run LOL!
Oh, btw, it’s been Miller-time, for, quite-sometime… :).

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Patch notes tomorrow. Hopes are high, expectations are low. :frowning:


No balance changes I can see in Pez’s latest summary:
See Pez’s Reddit comment

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Dang. Right you are.

“…some feature updates” doesn’t sound like balance/meta/system-wide changes. Guess I’ll be playing a caster for my last D2 season. :frowning:

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Sorry to hear that. I’m still going to run with my melee based team. Wish me luck!


And… Yep final patch notes are in and melee Got insignificant changes .

We barbs Got ZERO . No ww fix , no 2h rebalance (ítems) … stun skill still a “thing”… Zero .

None of the feedback from. This post Got heard… like this doesnt Even exists. So sad.


Same for Zealot… which is already unable to keep pace with WW barb in game.


Well…it was fun having this discussion with all of you. Thanks for all your support and ideas.

RIP Diablo melee competitiveness. Looks like the game will always be Sorc/Caster Pally until D4 is out. If the fix comes after that, who cares?

What a wasted opportunity. :frowning:


We’re looking for 1 multishot bowazon in our second ladder team guys, let’s do it!

The new Rune Words are all of the content arriving with Patch 2.6

RIP Diablo melee competitiveness.

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Well at least for zealot you can easily spec into foh/zeal if you really wanted reliable aoe.

I did that this ladder until i respecced foh/smite for chaos sanc farming (used LW for CB and magic find).