[2.4 Patch] Pvp is compromised - Fast Hit Recovery / Stun Issue

the swirly is the indicator for "Stun Length

if one was subject to a Skill that induces “Stun Length” ( Stun Length as in Skill ToolTip = Swirly ) & gets hit with a Skill / Attack within the time period of the swirly = Stun

[[ Revert Changes / WSG best ]]

On a first glance, I love this idea. If you take damage and escape before the next swirl comes out, you are in a better spot than perma swirl state. Kudos on the idea.

Please revert the fhr changes made to d2r in 2.4


hi blizzard, please help us, i have been a diablo fan since i was a child, and with every new update i get excited to see the new meta, new runewords, all of the good stuff. but this new 2.4 patch really messed with the meta of the game, i love all the new runewords and content you guys have provided, i am actually super pleased with the work you guys did with D2R, we all love this game dearly, and you guys did a great job bringing back the nostalgia, but all that we ask is that you revert the fhr back to 2.3, so there could be some sort of strategy to pvp. the current meta has no team play, no ability to set up your teammates, no strategy, just a bunch of 1v1s. think about a sport like volleyball or basketball, where you have to set up your teammates, and work together, with this new patch we completely removed that aspect. love u guys, and hope u guys are well but plz help us


2.4 FHR change sucks
WSG might be less annoying with desync gone, but still boring

why dont they just add a skill or hotkey with a short cooldown that gives you immunity to FHR for a short duration with an overhead indication. Would have a massive skill ceiling but be very useful and intuitive for new players , as things like using it before you tele stomp or right as a v/t is about to land a swirled foh.
even just using it while a sins holding down mindblast would let you teleout, the sin could still chain or chase you to then get some damage in while the stun immunity button is coming up
it would reward offensive players using it aggressively
and save defensive players in bad situations for a short time (but not permanently)

Similar mechanics from other games are Trinket in WoW pvp and Roll in Lost Ark pvp, both these are vital to the games pvp balance and are part of the reason they’re popular rpg pvp games.


very interesting idea, however i fear that it might not be enough in a lot of situtation
if you are getting mindblast locked or smite locked for example, each separate hit will apply swirl repitively, so that doesnt rly save you from the perma swirl state

That’s just my little idea. My whole point is the problem of perma stun lock comes from the swirl and not the fhr system, so if there’s anything need to be done, it’s with the swirl

the idea itself isnt bad but, the swirl is often reaplied constantly so it will fix some case and leave out a lot of others. Maybe having swirl immunity after you got put in fhr while being swirled, instead of pure stun immunity, would work better… But even that would probably prove not efficient : mindblast still kb you regardless of the swirl, so a mindblast would be just as annoying.

Why? This is part of the game system, too.

Can’t go back to 2.3, either nerf the current stuns, or make the the skills that apply stuns, not be auto hit. Sure this mechanic makes the game more fun and complex for 4 FpK builds, want to try something else? Tough luck your build is invalidated by perma stun.

I disagree with this opinion. Do you think there’s anything an Assassin can do now?

Nec specification : LV90, FHR 56, FCR 125, dmg Reduce 50%, BR 75%
ASN " " : LV98, FHR 60, FCR 105, weapons block 60%

Enemies no longer struggle with my traps and mind blast combos… A free-running dance club.

Thanks to the developers who don’t know the game in pvp and some people who don’t even know the difference between pvm and pvp, my character has become a fool who can’t beat anyone anymore.

great. What do I benefit from better FHR? Didn’t I say balance patch? What’s the point of useless junk martial arts and easily defended traps?


After 2.4patch, Assassin has become a garbage character that can’t be assassinated by anyone, neither stealth nor assassin nor trap. thank you blizzard.

It was changed so that the enemy’s behavior could no longer be controlled by mind blast skill. Her martial arts skills alone were no longer enough to play pvp.

Also, the trap skill is easily prepared with the Wizard Spike & Thunder God Belt.

do you see A necromancer who has received the ultimate buff that freely walks around on the trap and does everything it needs to do?

If you have eyes, see and feel… What other game in the world has an assassin who has become so homeless?

Does this look normal to your eyes?

Put the finishing move back too…Teleport also gives a cooldown to prevent him from escaping freely…

Do you think it’s fun? The unbalanced patch 2.4 ver?

wish list

  • Changed all trap skills to mixed physical damage and elemental damage

  • Physical and magic damage of mind blast skill, additional physical and magic damage of 2k or more.

  • Rollback to version 2.3 of FHR and FBR

  • If the skill level of finishing move is above a certain level (lv 20), roll back to 2.3 ver.

  • Cloak of shadow skill
    When using the Cloak of shadow skill, it disappears from the position screen and map with shadow master for a specific time (10 seconds). cool time is 20 sec. (If you attack or suffer damage to the enemy, the above effect is invalidated, giving you a cool time.)

  • Bust Of speed skill
    Increases avoidance rate for 150 sec when using BOS skill, wait 5 sec for reuse

  • Increased efficiency when using Tiger Strike and Cobra Strike in pvp and modified to duel claws fist skills

  • TELEPORT SKILL (Runes words, enigma)
    Add Cool time and increase Mana cost, decrease Cool time and Mana cost due to Skill LV for Teleport.


I agree with you mate


A Blizzard game that made an assassin who couldn’t assassinate in an RPG game lol.


I played the game for over 20 years and enjoyed it for 20 years, but in 2 months, God Game turned into a sheeet game with a garbage 2.4 patch…


Feel sad mate. I could not agree more.

I Hope devs will listen to us.


2.3 ver duel for ASN vs NEC (before update 2.4ver)

Nec specification : LV96, FHR 86, FCR 125, dmg Reduce 50%, BR 75%
ASN " " : LV98, FHR 60, FCR 105, weapons block 60%

look at this…Can’t you see and feel anything?!

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Revert weird changes ( immunity Frames ) / FHR
implement the concept of D2 LOD WSG under a new model back to D2 R aswell

everything else = trash


I agree with reverting the stuns to 2.3, but some of your suggestions are crazy… 2k magic damage mindblast eh ? Traps doing phys damage ? Fade breaking namelock or straight making you untargetable ? that would transform sins into unbeatable gods lol.
Also WSG or some alternative has to be brought back.[

It came out well enough in the last 2.3 version and there was no strain on the balance.

I just wrote down my wishes. I made some changes to my opinion for the balance of the game. It’s just my little opinion. You know that there’s no realizability.

Obviously, Microsoft’s founder Bill hates assassins.