[2.4 Patch] Pvp is compromised - Fast Hit Recovery / Stun Issue

You believe you’re actually good that this? Cute. Pretty invested in this topic for someone claiming to be a casual.

Awww you’re cute, trying so hard to be like me. It’s okay son.

Not very creative are you. You’re welcome to be my grandma though.

Now now son, you act like this I won’t be getting you any ice cream.

Okay grandma, don’t be a kill joy.

FHR and FBF ASAP. rollback to ver 2.4


Says the killjoy lol, no ice cream for you.

Please at least make short stunlock just a bit relevant. That way character like smite and barb can use their melee combo while assa remain nerfed enough. And people can coordinate around stun in tvt to take out target instead of everyone able to teleport randomly and spaming for 20 minutes.

Blizzard could achieve that result by making the stun immunity proc after 3 consecutive hit anime recovery for example


Feel like leap/mindblast was the problem. Just nerf those two and give FHR back. Nuking FHR instead of fixing mindblast is throwing baby out with the bathwater

A minor next delay on leap, and a small cast delay on mind blast would go a long way on making them less oppressive while preserving fhr and fbr as they were.
It’s just a teleport long range spamfest now. No one gets punished for making mistakes, you can constantly just stay off screen and spam. With the buffs to necro especially, you need some sort of counter to them. They were already strong before the patch and now they absolutely dominate with nothing to keep them in check. Why would you buff one of the strongest classes in pvp while nerfing the few counters there are to them. If you do one don’t do the other, doing both at the same time is just asking for it to be super imbalanced.


Rather than nerfing a specific skill or a specific item, there is a way to increase the fast hit recovery frame section of all characters. Blizzard didn’t even bother with that, so with the deletion of FHR, knockback and stun were also removed. It’s like burning a house to catch fleas

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My guess is that the moment teleport is removed from Enigma, all balances will be equal. Then we will all go back to the time when dinosaurs lived.

-A simple idea like this is what Blizzard is good at.


I’d rather have a legacy Diablo with WSG. Because I made it come out of the lock by hitting the w key… Blizzard Developers, the hardest thing to just copy the legacy Diablo

To counter stuns, in D2 Lod we had a feature called “WSG” based on Weapon Swith that broke your fhr for a very short time (by pressing Swith hotkey multiples times in row) and helped you to escape deadly situation and even sometimes (with very good timing) to counter attack. However, WSG was not easy to do and requires practice and timing - it even became an art on some characters such as amazon and necromancer.
But WSG was removed with D2R - sadly.

This statement is half right and half wrong. In version 2.3, with an FHR of 86, most players were able to teleport after moving a bit in the Trap-Mind Blast combo. Many pvp players enjoyed the situation, but rather that strength helped them hone their control and how to deal with the situation.

But now, after version 2.4, Assassin has become the closest character to the weakest in pvp.

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Thank you for the Whirlwind fix @blizzard. Barb finally feels good… except for the FHR change which still is a huge problem for PvP. There are so many interactions in pvp which were essential in legacy for high tier duels, such as warcry opponent with barb for swirls so that your whirlwind can lock them down and kill with a tight tri whirlwind. Now everyone escapes stun pretty much instantly, so there is no reward for this type of gameplay and our tournaments consistently lead to shooting spells blindly and running without a sensible solution for locking down the opponent.


Just reverse the fhr, nerf the Assasins mindblast because that spell was the reasons you guys changed fhr in the first place, The game is very dull and very randomness right now, I stream almost daily pvp → Twitch come hang out ask me questions i will gladly explain the flawss fhr has right now its kinda unplayble, i understand frustration from some players but you just had to fix Mindblast not ruin fhr mechanics totaly


TBH mind blast by itself wasn’t really that bad if you could stack enough fhr. It’s in team duels when you can stack leap and mind blast together that it gets really oppressive. Just a minor nerf to each would to each would fix things, nothing major like nuking the fhr and fbr mechanics. If you make wsg into an actual feature then nothing has to be changed, I think most people would actually be happy with that.

Since 2.4 hit live servers, pvp was on steady decline due to how poor it is.
Even tho some FHR lockouts were too strong, especialy if you combine them together in a team play.
It would be ideal if FHR was reverted and mindblast was removed from shadowmaster toolkit. Everything else could be balanced via rules, but unfortunatelly no rules can fix a mechanic that was taken away…


that would never happend

I’d just like to say how diablo immortal pvp they allow your characters to straight up be unmovable for seconds at a time but d2 gives stun invincibility after a fraction of a second of stun. The 2.4 fhr update was such a clear overstep and reeeeally should be rolled back/reworked.


Agree completely with you