22 Nights of Terror Holiday Event

Jesus, it’s just for a 24 hour period, calm down.

:sob: :baby:

Guess you miss the point/bigger-picture, so let me ask a question, and follow up with a statement.
With ideas such as these, who exactly are they trying to please?
If they actually read here… if I do not post my displeasure, how are they meant to know what the player base enjoys, or is disappointed with?
Are you suggesting I just tell them great job regardless of what they do?
Or maybe you are suggesting, if I don’t enjoy something… to simply shut-it?

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So the guy came up with those ideas must have IQ>200 !

Geez, not feeling any “holiday” on this event!

I’m not terribly upset with this stuff, I just don’t have the time to devote to D2r to make small temporary changes like this a big deal to me. But it is rather… obvious? That 15 minute Terror Zones are not a fun experience for most players.

That’s the main thing I got, is that this is sort of slapped together at the last minute for Christmas, not a planned out thing.

And that makes me wonder how much attention D2r is going to get at all.


Rather than deploying a new PTR, what if this is them just beta testing in live and getting feedback from the people as to what is preferred?

Do you remember when they said there would be new runewords for each ladder season? Sure glad they kept up with that…

I actually really liked the all-day cow TZ, but yeah, today’s event is very enticing. I’m still glad they’re doing something at all though, because I didn’t expect them to.

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They did title it nights of terror.

They heard us about the lack of terror in the zones. I swear the circles of blizzard hell far outnumber the fabled actual hell.

They didn’t say new runewords every ladder though.

They talked about more runewords would come to future ladders and that that would push old ladder runewords to be craftable in NL.

No new runewords, no push for ladder words to nl.

The big unknown is will I have to farm ladders for odd set items that are worth upgrading just to cube and hold till ladder end? That’s kinda brutal vs how hard is it to convert the ability to NL. AFAIK you can upgrade sets on SP.

Why ignoring public channel(/ignorepublic) mutes terror zone notification?
If it is expected, How about adding /ignorelobby /unignorelobby command in battle.net to ignore lobby chat only?
I don’t want lobby chat displayed. not terror zone notification…

First thought: great! Holiday events are powerful and give you a lot of stuff!
I log in, read the first event. Feeling? Disappointment.
You changed nothing.
I play 15 minutes. I close the game.
I log into the second event. Another disappointment.
I don’t play a minute.
:rage:Congratulations. If you continue in this direction, you will only irritate the majority of players who have achieved something in this game themselves.

:christmas_tree:Also, You gave us Christmas buffs. Was it hard to write what effect they give?
Do we have to find everything ourselves?

:+1: :-1:Dear players,
Thumbs up if you agree with me.


I also asked what the buff it is…no answer…
Asked multiple times different threads…no answer

Well you got me on that! Then they could atleast make it like, Double Density, Double Reward for 24 hours…

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Im not played last 2 days because of these stupid “bonus”, that are a malus for players like me that play for EXP (Im level 98 hc).

Day1 not play because cows exp are bad, not worth the time. Day2 not play because the 15minutes idea it’s stupid and again not worth the time (tracking the zone, logon, find p8 games, only for few minutes of exp)

In the end, the effect of Xmas Event it’s don’t make me play the game.

They would irritate at best the 10% minority that no one cares about, 90% would be way too happy.

Blizzard saw poor player retention and poor sales even during discounts, they took notes. More changes are coming that would make the majority happy.

Already said million times they need to add /player x command as a difficulty scale, or re-work the player count altogether so that EXP and drop rates are not effected by it. It’s a stupid design.

50 gold find? do you developers even play this game? seriously you all should be fired

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An additional 50 gold find… this is very small… if it was an overall bonus of 50% that would be nice, or additional 500% bonus…

i bet tomorrow chat gem auto-activate is the bonus


Hopefully an extra +20% magic find

Cow level now in rotation :D. I understand that probably there is not much that the devs can do without patch, but so far it was two days super bad, and third day at least not interfering with others gameplay. Appreciate the effort, but if you just enable all terrors for the ramaining days people will love you guys.

Yes perfect timing as my tabs are all full and I need to lvl to gamble leech rings.

Sarcasm sprinkled in there if you couldn’t smell it.