22 Nights of Terror Holiday Event

if we don’t get red Shako drops this Christmas I’ll be very disappointed :smiley:


Dood… I’ll take me a red Harlequin Crest. Bring it on. Hell, go the extra mile and add a fluffy white ball on top of it.

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That’s actually a good idea. People have been dissing the green shakos since launch. If this was a limited time to get Red Shakos that would create a new kind of rare item that D2 hasn’t seen before.

Ehhh, no. We’ve had enough FOMO.

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Maybe give us 5,000 MF so our chances of a griffin eye of baal go from 1 in 17000 to 1 in your never getting this and if you grind you get banned

Thats a great idea! Launch some 1 of a kind uniques, Red Shako, Green Arkaines, multiple colors of swords’ or bows, ect.

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At what clock time does the modifiers change?

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Please do an event for increased drop rate for Ber and Jah runes a little bit but still keep them rarer than a Sur rune.

Jah and Ber are not so rare. Horker+50-100 AS runs and you will surely find it.

That I know of it’s 11 am Central.

What is today’s buff? I have a couple hours before the office Christmas party if it’s something good it’ll give me something to do besides get a head start on drinking. I’m not driving woohoo.

The prior days festive buff of reduced vendor prices was very good.

I am looking forward to other possible great festive buffs, such as Rune Shrines, massive exp bonus, etc.

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Hero Hit Points are Doubled. Good for added fun in PVP.

Ok if rune shrines worked like gem shrines I’ll be stuck playing the game no life style.

Actually this a good idea. Beats a mf shrine.


PLEASE make the vendor reduction event come back at least once. I will have real fear of carpal tunnel setting in but its so far the best event. Bring it back on like boxing day since gheeds stuff should go half off

waiting for the double rune drops buff

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pretty pretty please can we have an EXP buff?
I wanna push through 98 to 99 by new years

Horked me a BER in the TZ Pits this am - first of this league - the Bear Sorc is getting closer…

Yeah but you either have to be geared up enough to do the runs faster or follow a chaos bot and hork the storm casters. Why not do an event to increase Ber and Jah runes drop rates slightly higher? I don’t see why it would be a bad idea either.

New event: TZ creation without beating the game.

At least that’s how I read it haven’t tried just killed meph at lvl 11 on larzuk barb.

I don’t agree with this. Drop rates have always been perfect in this game.
If they are increased the game will lose a lot.
If some players demand increased drop chances to get the best gear with less efforts there are other similar games to play where everything they need is implemented already.