22 Nights of Terror Holiday Event

Well at least the one most liked so far was recycled. :stuck_out_tongue:

Still hoping that we get something permanent. More character slots, a shared rune/gem tab, something.


That sounds more like potential 2.6 territory to me…

Maybe so. They could release a minipatch to bring a shared gem/rune tab. As far as max character count, that’s very likely something that is controlled entirely server-side.

In reality, I’m expecting nothing. That way if nothing comes, I’m not disappointed.

Is there a use to gamble at level 70?

Don’t get me wrong, I would love to see it, but still…
For rune/gem stacking I think some precaution like a PTR to avoid duping/exploits seems advisable.

You might be able to score some decent rings. I wouldn’t try much for circlets or amulets unless you’re in a dire need of an upgrade.

If you don’t have one yet, get a normal 3 socket bow and create the Edge runeword to get the 15% vendor discount. Stretch that gambling gold out further! It stacks with the vendor discount on Gheeds Fortune for up to a 30% discount. (or up to 80% with todays %50 discount.)

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Sadly no gheeds.

And i do need an upgrade almost everywhere on my equip :slight_smile:

Looking for that bow now. Not easy to find.

Vendor it from Charsi in normal. If she doesn’t have one, take a waypoint somewhere and come back… Keep doing this until she offers a 3 socket bow.

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I tried 10 times and no bow with socket. So decided to run NM cows. In 2 runs first 3 bows were with 4 sockets and the 4th one was with 3 sockets.

Then i went home and to NM Charsi to sell stuff and there he had a bow with 3 sockets :slight_smile: Guess i was unlucky with those 10 tries at N Charsi. And in the end i will use the Charsi one because that from NM cows needed 110 dext.

p.s. no i will not use Charsi;s one because i was so dumb that i didnt buy it at the moment and then afterwards when i went for it, it was gone because i townportaled between.

Edit: Question: Shouldn’t act 2 gambling be cheaper than other acts? Atma after quest one doesn’t give cheaper vendor prices?!

48 hours of non stop TZ all maps will be awesome

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Yeah but hopefully not today as people are with families celebrating christmass.

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Yeah feel free to hold an event like this or something else GG til boxing day, Blizzard!

The gambling one is pretty fun because you normally don’t get to gamble that much

Yeah its fun, but i`m level 75 only so after 5 hours and about 70 mil i just didn’t know what to gamble anymore.

What are ideas what to gamble and what to look for gloves, belts, boots?

I know we just had the gambling event(I learned of it at 1 am :frowning: ) but have this come back a 3rd time plz.


What time does it end or the new day start?

1:00 PST or 21:00 (UTC+2)

p.s. i hope i wrote PST correctly.

+10% experience in Terror Zones.

Sounds a bit underwhelming. Instead of needing to be level 95 in Terror Zones to match the prime XP farming areas (Chaos/Baal), you need to be what, level 92 or 93? :stuck_out_tongue: The post level 70 XP nerf is brutal. If Blizzard really wants to make 99 more accessible, revision of the post level 70 XP nerf and maybe dialing back the prime XP locations a bit would be a good place to start.

Unfortunately, 10% experience is not very much of a bonus. 100% bonus would be festive, and on a day that players wont likely have other festive obligations prohibiting them from playing.

Vendor bonus is the best bonus so far. Lets hope it becomes a regular event.

Although it’s probably not the case, it seems like they’re testing new ideas for new shrines or something.

“Oh hey, found a 50% reduction in vendor prices shrine! Quick, gamble gamble gamble! 3 minutes left! Gogogogogo!”

The aforementioned theoretical shrine bonus would definitely be one worth utilizing in Hell difficulty anyway, as shrines for the most part function solely as “in-field curse removal tools”.