22 Nights of Terror Holiday Event

Wow… it`ll be hard to play after todays bonus. You get used to it so fast.

Yeah, this is playing like how I enjoy NHL games, FAST AF!!


Calling it before someone else does…

Hey Blizzard, can we have a permanent +100% faster run/walk in town only? :smiley: I mean we get infinite stamina already, so why not?

If you’re not going to give us a vendor refresh button, this will definitely help with vendoring items like I do from time to time. Still a PITA to do, I’d rather have a vendor refresh button… But maybe it’s too hard to implement… 22 year old game/32 bit code/fragmented source code and all… :stuck_out_tongue:

Not every vendor has a portal right next to them like Anya.


I don’t like the buffs and it feels like it’s ruining my playthrough. Can we please get the option to disable them?


Faster run walk buff shows that we need less penalty as run walk speed increases.

A basic character with low frw speeds around with the 100 frw applied, but a character who already has over 100 faster run walk speed does not seem to benefit much from this buff.

Ladder died early due to sunders. Get rid of em. The point of this game is to gear up other characters to do content you weren’t able to do before because of immunities.

so. many. 99s…

like some people have more than 1 99 this season, TZ are just too insane of an XP in comparison to what we’re used to. d2:r is sadly going down the drain, i’ve been on this side of the fence since they were even mentioned them, i knew this would happen.


i never looked at the event announcement until a few runs in and i thought either my character was tweaking on drugs, or i am.

yeah its gonna be hard to go back now lol

But LLama farmed Baal not TZ.

Do you think others went to TZ?

He farmed Baal because he did not fully understand TZ yet. No one did. Now that we know more about how TZ exp nonus eorks, ya alot of people used them to 99 quickly.

How does exp bonus work??

Is there something special to know?

i mean, i knew how broken they were before ladder started, i tested it with my 97 beforehand.

llama is a bad player. just because lots of people watch him and he has videos on youtube doesn’t mean ANYTHING. he’s just put in the time. and has been rewarded for his efforts, but he is not good at the game.

100% damage against undead. Are they kidding? Who needs this?


I disagree.


Hes not bad persay, hes 1 dimensional. Hes a speed player who cuts every corner you can imagine to get by. That works for rushing, not for substance.

Time to level some alts in tomb runs I guess

it’s good for chaos as majority are undead

does this bonus even work for caster builds? or just like dmg against undead as it is on items. then it would be only for melee/phys. range builds?

Sorry but can you please learn how to sticky your news posts its a little pathetic when it isn’t.

Should we really have to look around in the general publics posts for news posts like this?

No… no we shouldn’t… that is probably some of the laziest community management I have ever seen.

Also how is it I can read that entire article and still wonder what the event is actually about… What is happening internally there… seriously… this is a joke.

Sorry but it seems like not giving event details is a weird strange way to attempt to get players to play more during the holiday season without even knowing what the potential rewards are… just seems shady.

The vendor discount is back.

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