StarCraft II API returns stale data

Thanks for all the work you’ve done on SC2 already, but please try and fix the API.


Please fix this problem. Thanks.


Fix the API please, thanks.


The API is still down: this is a big problem for the community! Please please please prioritize this!
Please show us you still care about this game and give us an update/statement!


Hey API team. I just want to add my voice as well that it would be amazing if you could maintain the existing state of starcraft 2 and its APIs going forward. I am one among many developers that use it. More importantly however, there are services such as rankedftw that are relied upon by team leagues in order to function. If the API is down we cannot verify a player is eligible to play. It’s not a perfect system but it’s far better than without it. One of the reasons SC2 not including LAN play was such a big deal is it means that we rely on Blizzard continuing to invest in servers and support in order for the community around it to exist. If the servers are not maintained after the game is no longer profitable, it’s going to really make me question whether I want to invest in any future games.


Yes please fix it. The greatest E-sport in the history of man deserves the greatest of attention! :slight_smile:


Please resolve. It’s a reoccurring issue, must be a known fix.

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Please fix this blizzard.

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The API allows the community to organize events and competitions for the player base which promotes your intellectual property (even though SC2 is currently not developing new content), which increases the chances of success for your other intellectual properties. Please allow us to continue to engage with your game and in doing so, promote your brand.

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Pls fix it Blizzard. thx you


Blizzard, you gotta support your game.


I tweeted to the support line four days ago to no response as well. Blizzard, as others have said, this API is an absolutely essential cornerstone of the competitive SC2 scene. My worst fears are that the Activision overlords are pushing for private-data-by-default (similar to CoD), which would effectively cripple the competitive scene so Activision can make an extra buck. Regardless of long-term motives, if we could have so much as a rough ETA for when this could be back online, or what’s going on with development Blizzard-side, it would be much appreciated. Thank you.


please fix the api bliz. you already do the bare minimum, it’s the least you can do


API useful, repair needed, players waiting


When you get chance it would be great for this to be fixed and to be working again.

Many thanks for your help with this one!

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According to ranked for the win website the api is still down. While not nearly as important as fixing the server issues earlier this month (for which I am very appreciative) it would still be nice to view the ladders on rankedftw.

Thank you so much for creating and maintaining such a great game!


Hey all,

Our Starcraft 2 game developers are currently investigating these reports and would like more information. If you are experiencing this issue please post the full API call that’s returning the issue.

Thank you!


Are they working on the bug yet? I am stuck rated as Bronze even though I haven’t rated below Platinum 3 for the last two seasons.

This is the API:

This is the call I make<ACCESS_TOKEN>

This is the first result for the player named Nina:

    "id": 10106869289500803072,
    "rating": 6464,
    "wins": 967,
    "losses": 318,
    "ties": 0,
    "points": 3928,
    "longest_win_streak": 37,
    "current_win_streak": 0,
    "current_rank": 2,
    "highest_rank": 200,
    "previous_rank": 2,
    "join_time_stamp": 1602129573,
    "last_played_time_stamp": 1610085688,
    "member": [{
      "legacy_link": {
        "id": 2553612,
        "realm": 1,
        "name": "Nina#119",
        "path": "/profile/2553612/1/Nina"
      "played_race_count": [{
        "race": {
          "en_US": "Protoss"
        "count": 1285
      "character_link": {
        "id": 2553612,
        "battle_tag": "Nina#12671",
        "key": {
          "href": ""
      "clan_link": {
        "id": 418523,
        "clan_tag": "Ex0n",
        "clan_name": "Real eXoN esports Clan",
        "icon_url": "",
        "decal_url": ""

This is what the in game state showed for that player (right before the season ended)
Nina: 1140 wins, 382 losses

Compare that win/loss to what the API I posted returns:
Nina: 967 wins, 318 losses
It’s pretty clear the API is returning very stale data. This issue surfaced over a month ago so even though the ladder id I provided is from last season, the issue has been present for a while and continues to this season.


The problem seems to be effecting all the /data/sc2 endpoints. Here are a few more examples.

Should return the current season information, it is still returning season 45 information (current season is 46)
Should return a list of ladder ids for masters. currently returns nothing. If you change the 46 to 45 (for last season). It also returns stale data and does not show any new masters divisions that where created to handle people that where promoted.

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