[Nov 27] HOTNet ISP - High Latency & Disconnecting from Battle.net

same problem here i know its not an internet problem cause my internet works fine i also play LOL everyhting fine there my pc os pretty good and i have way software heavy games like MK11 working just fine for some reason its battle net doing problems i keep DC every 5-10 minutes for a minute, im on hot form israel (duh) i called my friend he has bezeq and he didnt seem to have any dc he said if hell have any dc hell contact me.

Also have the same exact issue. I am also connected to HotNet so it is probably an issue connected with them. “BLZBNTBGS80000011” text error on Battle Net when ever it disconnects which I believe makes the “BLZBNTBGS0000003F8” text error in MW appear. Thanks a lot for keeping us updated with the news.

is there anything new? I am also with hotnet and having the same problem, cant play anything on battelnet

Just wanted to say that im in the US and on Xfinity internet.

Maybe i have found a work around… tried to play on Americas and not Europe ( in the Battle net app above the PLAY button)
And played for two hours with no disconnects… ping was from 70 to 160 but still playable! even more… doing my play time the battle net app got disconnected and my game continued!

Please continue updating us. It comforts me and I believe the others too to know you guys are working on it and not forgetting about us.

the only alternative right now is playing on NA servers.
no disconnects during games while battle net launcher keeps disconnecting but the game doesn’t.
it’s the weekend so do no expect any costumer support answer, not even talking about a fix until monday at the very least… i mean we’ve been having the problem for two weeks now and no effort seems to be made by the blizzard team other than “comforting us” as Sprinter mentioned which is basically like nothing - we want real fixes here, people are putting their time and money into these games.
i know i may sound alittle harsh but some things need to be said for the puzzle pieces to start moving or we are just gonna keep sitting here waiting for things to be sorted by themselves, wasting time, we didn’t deserve it, the heck ppl paid 60+ bucks for MW and they cant play the game or download it this is insane…

the root of the problem seem to be connected to EU servers so theres nothing left to say, nothing left to say


Still nothing? I lost 2 weeks of my WoW sub because I can’t play without it disconnecting 5 minutes after logging in.

Is it still not fixed? I swear it’s been like that for 2 weeks. and they don’t seem to care. My ping is 80 and it keeps logging out :frowning:

Yes it’s been way too long without anything being done. At least give us some updates, tell us something is being done.

And yes now it seems that it is only a hotnet issue and it happens not on the EU and us servers, at least for me. Using another isp allows me to play but my other isp bezeq is just a secondary one in case my primary is down. But playing with it is laggy as hell and not used for gaming.

So please look into this issue, it’s really frustrating not being able to play like I used to. And we are getting really close to the Christmas events, it will be a shame if the issue is still unresolved by them.

same problem, any idea if its a problem only when using a certain modem? (im using the mini FiberBox for my pc) can anyone with a diffrent modem confirm if they get disconnects aswell?

It’s not about the modem. it’s about the EU servers losing connection with HotNet for some reason. Nothing to do with the modem…

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Yeah its not a modem issue, ive changed modems,
if there is any way we can assist in resolving the issue please let us know

I doubt they’ll even reply :((

I have a provider Hotnet and the same problem, with the constant shutdown of the Diablo 3 client.
I found a workaround using a VPN for the game.
And with VPN everything is fine. There are lags, high ping, but the game client does not crash.
As soon as I disconnect the VPN, it immediately crashes with an error of 1061.
Used Israeli IP and European and everything works.

I’m monitoring this issue closely and we do have our network team investigating the issue. No new updates at the moment. It’s a frustrating issue with this going on for some time now, but I will provide any updates as we have more information. Your patience during this time is greatly appreciated!

Based on the connection tests provided so far, this is appearing to be more of a peering issue on the connection route or a configuration issue to the login services for the EU region. If you haven’t already, reporting this to the ISP with the WinMTR test will help with communication between us and HOTnet when we both have data about the issue. Hopefully, this will speed things up too!

In the mean time, as mentioned by a few of you here, using the Americas region app can help, though there may still be some issues staying connected in-game. While not supported, trying an alternative connection or a VPN (Virtual Private Network) from a third party are some options to work around the issue until we have a resolution to the connection issues!

As a note, this may be impacting other ISPs in the region like Bezeq. Please do let us know if this happens on an alternative network with a WinMTR test to eu.actual.battle.net and the ISP or connection that is experiencing the same issue.

Thanks again for your reports! It helps greatly to see the impact of the situation :slight_smile:

This thread is to track Asia/Europe connection issues, specifically HOTnet (ISP) connection issues. If you have having similar issues on the Americas region or a different ISP, please create a new thread or find a more relevant thread.


Using Exphone ISP, which I think uses the same infrastructure (given the traceroute’s last stop).

traceroute to (, 15 hops max, 60 byte packets
1 Blizzard Blizzard 0.383 ms 0.381 ms 0.359 ms
2 ( 1.004 ms 1.025 ms 1.028 ms
3 Blizzard Blizzard 1.067 ms 1.131 ms 1.162 ms
4 ( 1.103 ms 1.121 ms 1.122 ms
5 ( 76.809 ms 76.833 ms 76.824 ms
6 ( 162.088 ms 159.565 ms 428.903 ms
7 ( 6.721 ms 6.477 ms 6.472 ms
8 * * *
9 * * *
10 * CON-HOT-100G-V231-PT.hotnet.net.il ( 61.902 ms *
11 * * *
12 * * *
13 * * *
14 * * *
15 * * *

08/12/2019 10:22:29 UTC

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

— ping statistics —
4 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 3001ms

08/12/2019 10:22:29 UTC

Start: Sun Dec 8 10:22:28 2019 Blizzard 1.|-- Blizzard 0.0% 10 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.0
2.|-- 0.0% 10 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.8 0.0
3.|-- Blizzard 0.0% 10 1.2 1.3 1.1 2.4 0.0
4.|-- 0.0% 10 1.1 7.2 1.1 25.6 9.9
5.|-- 0.0% 10 305.7 225.0 41.8 335.4 89.7
6.|-- 0.0% 10 108.7 111.3 11.0 258.8 74.0
7.|-- 0.0% 10 6.5 6.5 6.3 6.7 0.0
8.|-- ??? 100.0 10 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
9.|-- core-213-57-0-68.PT.hotnet.net.il 90.0% 10 59.6 59.6 59.6 59.6 0.0
10.|-- CON-HOT-100G-V231-PT.hotnet.net.il 90.0% 10 61.8 61.8 61.8 61.8 0.0
11.|-- ??? 100.0 10 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

08/12/2019 10:22:28 UTC

When i connect my mobile to computer (Partner ISP) it’s work fine

I experienced the exact same issues with HOTNet.
Moved to 012 ISP - No disconnections at all in the last week. However, ping is spiky but I have no idea if it is related in any way to the original problem.

Anyway, here’s WinMTR from 012:
pastebin dot com/pbqia6Ti

As I understand it, this will not be fixed. Cool thanks for the game…