Hey I tried this with my girlfriend and it didn’t work, we both have iPhone did you do you guys have that too
What did work for me is the following:
Go to your account settings
Go to privacy and communication-> communications preferences
And make sure receiving sms is enabled.
The tricky part here is that whenever i enable it and refresh the page it gets disabeled after. Try it on another browser.
launch the game and verify your account. If you still didnt receive and sms, click on resend a code,
If you got this error telling you you have sent to many, you will need to wait for few hours (12 hours for me), try again after and you should receive one.
I think it has a link with the operators, my friend is not with the same operator as me and it worked with his number
I followed Rabah’s method and it did work for me. However I did try this method before and it did not work as this was stated in by another user in this thread.
I enabled the “receive sms” option yesterday but today when I checked due to Rabah’s post it was not on. so I did turn it back on and I saved the setting and checked if its still on, and then launched the game and I was prompet to do the verification.
Once my browser opened and I pressed continue it took about 2 minuites to receive the text. (I did not press resend code)
I did wait 24 hours before my last attempt if that helps. Hope everyone here get it sorted. Cheers !!!
Glad it worked for you.
Currently waiting the 24 hours right now before I try again do you have discord or something I can contact you if I need further help?
Same problem in France
Mine worked randomly after 6 days, I didn’t wait 24-48 hours.
This is just crazy. I have setup Battle Net App and Authenticator with email, phone and all account info certified. I logging to Battle Net through my Authenticator and launch MW3. This is asking me then for SMS verification with no other method to propose (no authenticator) and then the SMS just doesn’t arrive. I changed the phone number 3 times (different numbers) now with the sms procedure to be working for the change but when connecting to MW3 which asks again a verification by sms the sms doesn’t arrive. What is this? Just please somebody can put some logic into this??? Why is this security system not working. Are we serious???
Same problem with me, I moved to an new country and dont have access to my old number anymore, I also can not change my old number because the code to change it is also sent to my old number and not my email… wtf
Same sh**t, cant verify when starting MW3. Never receive the text to validate…
We can commend them on their efforts to communicate that their system is having problems and will need time to fix. We need to commend them for responding to the threads to ensure their customers do not feel as if they’ve been scammed. We must commend them for their strong security which allows not even the owner of the account to use their games. It is a NECESSITY that we commend them guys… they’re working hard.
After several days I found a solution that worked for me:
After 24 hours of waiting, I went to change my phone number on my battle.net account (without launching the game, I specify!).
I was able to enter my work number.
After that I launched the game and miraculously, the SMS arrived…
I hope this will help
Be strong guys!
I have the same problem. On November 19, I left MWII to enter MWII and received a request to undergo verification. I haven’t received more than one SMS. I tried 15-20 numbers of Postpaid Prepaid. I tried waiting 24-48 hours. I wrote “War and Peace” to the game master, they always responded like a robot.)) Then they said your region is no longer supported. Then they said that they have problems, but they don’t know when they will solve them. And will they be able to solve them at all… I will be forced to switch to Steam. And forget this blizzard like a bad dream. It’s a pity that I spent so much time and effort buying new numbers to write to these incompetent, arrogant and impudent people.
Guys… honestly it’s a Joke, its hard to believe that in almost 2024…there will be a multimillon dollars company is trying this problem whit its community, its easy to solve it just by giving the opcion to verify whit e-mail…i havent able to play a 70 dollar game for 3 days, because a single message that never arrived… at this point i’m frustated, angry, disappointed and thinking play again in my ps5;( this happens to thousands of us and the company lack of empathy only Gives us a bad gaming experience im from mexico but i think it happens all over the Word…
For the third day now I have not received an SMS from Blizzard. I tried all the options, even connected the number of a friend from another country, but nothing works. Tech support ignores. Я считаю что компании Близзард обязаны вернуть деньги. Вы - огромная компания, а не можете разобраться с этой проблемой уже столько времени. Деньги вы забрали с нас очень быстро , а помочь с проблемой вы не можете. ВЕРНИТЕ НАШИ ДЕНЬГИ ИЛИ ПОЧИНИТЕ ИГРУ !
5 days with the same problem…
I haven’t received an SMS with a confirmation code, I haven’t been able to do it for days now, I called the cellular support service, they say everything is fine. Maybe the problem is not on the battle side at all? I can’t enter the game because of this. Is it possible to solve the problem?
I’m in the same situation. I’m trying to play Warzone but need a SMS confirmation that I don’t receive. Tryed to change the mobile number at the battle.net account website but says “Reached the limit of requests”. Pls help, cannot play
Another problem related: I deleted my phone number from the battle.net account website and cannot enter a new one. It says that I “reached the maximum requests” U_U what else can I do?! (already posted a ticket)