i solved it after 3 hours of struggling and searching but found my own way , there could be 2 ways to fix it , let me know which one worked,
- try to connect to your activision account by loggin in , and from there you might get suprised that you need to add your blizzard account mobile No and verify ( only by entering your activision password) and in case you got the error that the password is not match then choose forgot password and reset your activision password and try again ,
- forget about battle net app and shift to STEAM,(fresh download required) just go to your BOTH BLIZZARD & ACTIVISION account on their log in page and LINK your account to your STEAM , remember to add a phone number on steam settings page and verify it by clicking the link sent on your steam email then luanch the game and if it asks about verifying phone just choose I HAVE ALREADY ADDED THE PHONE option,
good luck…
Apex, why write the same thing three times? It does not help. If you don’t have the game on Steam, linking Activision to your Steam won’t help you. You need to have a game there.
Hello ! Does any one have been helped by the support or found a solution ? I’m being mad, i bought MW3 two days ago and I already can’t play it because of this problem. No news from support for now.
so get the game on steam , just download there,thats the whole point, forget about battlenet app
Apex, bro, I connected my Activision to steam. And downloaded the game on Steam. I had it there since MWII. But nothing has changed. I can only play Warzon. Today Steam offered me to buy the standard game for $48 and premium for $80. Even my CP is not on Steam. =\
sorry for late reply , thats becuase you didnt link your BLIZZARD account into it, i did first the blizzard then activiosn and i have all the progress all the xp tokens and cp from battle net,
shift to steam as i explained above
I think I actually found a fix that actually works. You need to download another browser, I personally downloaded Opera GX yesterday. After that, make it the default, through the browser or through the default application settings in Windows. Next, disable the Steam overlay in the Steam settings. After that, go into the game and confirm your phone number in Steam in the browser through the game. After that, restart and go play. It worked for me and does not fly off within a day.
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What browser were you using before Opera GX? Because it sounds like a pop-up blocker is causing this problem, whether it be native or an addon.
Same problem, customer support only told me to wait.
I want a refund !!
Guys i think i found the solution , so you just need to switch your main languge . like main is anglais so i tried to switch it to arabic and i got sms code on my phone . i hope that be helpful , Good luck <3
Well. Im having this issue today. Game kept telling me to add a number. I already had a number registred. I tried deleting it to register it again it wont let me receive a code now im on “Limit reached” what ever that means. How can you ask for 100 euros for some of edition of the game and still not let us play?
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That means that you asked for a SMS code too often and have reached the limit… You now need to wait at least 24 hours before trying again.
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I have the same issue.
It wants: “Account Verification Required” on mw3 launch from battlenet app.
I’m not receiving any messages - I double checked the phone number and localization. Its correct. Please fix blizzard…
from denmark +45
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Correct or give access.
Give answer.
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I am having the same issue in france, SMS not received , cannot play to MW3.
I do see this is a long lasting issue that Blizzard is not resolving (not wiling to ?) .
Spent 60 euros and cannot play anymore.
how do I get a refund to play on steam ?
So much time and not a single answer. it’s just a mockery. I want a refund - they won’t give it, I want to play - they won’t let me in. Paradox, guys!
fix this issue in the next 3 days or you guys are getting sued. theres no reason to need a phone number to play a game we paid for and made in game purchases. email verification works just find everyone has one and theres no restriction to emails. even in your policy you violate your own legal obligations with this issuse and doing absolutely nothing about it. way to bring in the new years blizzard you have 3 days
I also ask them to refund the game and they denied.
I did the same as you on French law side , but it see that blizzard doesn’t care at all , they don’t even come on these forums to give update / news / or compensations.