[Main Thread] MW 2 won't start (BLZBNTBNA00000012)

Fix your **** game!!

this worked for me. I named my folder cod sux

Whenever I go to launch Call of Duty I get a error popup called BLZBNTBNA00000012, this error from what I know is a game download issue but I have redownloaded the game three times, and tried to scan and repair it several other times with all of them saying the game is fine and up to date, I even ran it in admin mode and allowed it through my firewall which still leads to the error message to popup, I literally just bought the game today and have proof of purchase so I dont know whats going on.

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same boat, bit dissapointing for a $109 sized hole in my bank account

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actually mate i just fixed it by changing the language from the gear launcher, lmk if this helps

Create a new folder and move the game to that folder. That is what worked for me.

Ive played since launch, with continuous crashes. I did a complete uninstall, then deleted the folder. I then reinstalled. Now it does not launch at all. Just gives the error BLZBNTBNA00000012. Thats it. This is a $100 game. its unplayable.


I have had this same issue from the start. I bought the game, downloaded it, and as soon as I tried to play the game it gave me the BLZBNTBNA00000012 error code. I’ve done everything it recommends, and nothing has worked. I even took my computer to a Tech Support business. They couldn’t even make it work. Always been a huge fan of the Call of Duty games but this is ridiculous.

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Still running into the BLZBNTBNA00000012 issue. This has been around for about a week. What is going on? I’ve tried reinstalling and scan/repair many times.

I actually got it to work once. My goal is to play campaign (kept freezing before running into BLZBNTBNA00000012), however, when it loads, it is like half rendered. Now I can’t even get the game to open without being prompted with the BLZBNTBNA00000012

my brother is having this problem and I have done EVERYTHING to get it work and nothing works my PC is older and more outdated then his and mine runs fine I have no idea what to do and no one is available to help. Blizzard is useless and so is activision.


has anyone tried to except it into your PC firewall?
i saw this on a forum add me on discord Phoenixrisingx#6925

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How do you accept it into your firewall?

im having the exact same issue this is beyond a joke buy the game and then u update it to then not be able to play really not happy at all

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one of the errors that pop up on mi pc is that : “no mw2 compatible DXGI adapter found”, and also i tried just WARZONE and it doesn’t works, there is no connection with the battle.net servers

i completely disabled windows defender on my pc and reinstalled battle.net and i am still having the same issue. i cant even login to the app

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Has anyone got the game to load up yet?


Same issue what a joke and no one from battle net has any advice lmaooo add me on discord if anyone can help SmellyThots#5195

All was running well for me until the last update on 11/10. I got kicked for an update then had to update drivers. Got back in and was super choppy. Now when I try and launch the game on battlenet it says now playing never loads then goes back to a play button. I have don a clean install twice now and re installed drivers. Nothing seems to work

I was having this issue. nothing worked, drivers, unistalled, scan/repair, etdc… I ended up clicking the “run as administrator as it says to” -doesn’t work. But you then need to unclick the run as admin and it worked then for me.

i have same problem , when i try to enter game just give me ‘‘playing game’’
nothing else , not even a error