[Main Thread] "Failed - Network Error" with Battle.net Set-up file

This worked for me, thanks dude!

Does anyone have a link to download the modern warfare setup? Thanks

Is there any update to this? It’s beem several weeks and I cannot download the the Blizzard app. Fails at 80% every time on Windows 10.

does anyone know what times and day blizzard live chat are open my friend has a ticket open for the past 2days and it says 11day waiting time so we decided to contact live support but it dont show when its open or closed or what days its working to what time to what time help please !

I’m having the same problem on Mac OS Catalina - “Failed - Network error”. Tried all the troubleshooting steps, tried both Chrome and Safari, no luck. I have fiber optic high-speed internet.

I was having the same problem trying to download the battle.net launcher (im on Catalina). I kept spamming the download and was downloading about 20 different files and eventually one ended up downloading!

Thank you for continuing to report the issue. Our team is continuing to look into this issue and have replicated the problem on our end. I’ll update once we have new information to share!

For catalina, the links above should work, but there is a separate issue where the installation continues to try to install the 32-bit version, trying the link a few times should help retrieve the 64-bit version eventually.

For anyone experiencing the issue, please refer to the suggestions above. Use the different region link instead of the home region. So if you are on Americas, try the EU version instead.

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thanks! works for me!

This is insane that Blizzard can’t fix this. How hard is it to properly upload a downloader file. Drives me insane. Tons of people pay and get nothing. I have managed to download D2 but LoD no luck at all


I am downloading the installation files both for Windows and Mac but I can’t install the App on neither of the OS.

Is this still an issue? I tried all of the steps listed at the top post - nothing works.

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A post was split to a new topic: Nearethic - Installation Issues

This Thread is the solution guys!

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A post was split to a new topic: Battle.net setup file download “Failed - Network Error”

So, this is back again. Getting error while trying to download the app.
I got more errors when trying to register a account to my friend. In the register page, if add the email + cellphone, you get “external error”.
If I try to change the preferred language, also get error.
Finally, can’t download the battle net app, cause it always stop at the same point, about 80% done, with the “network error”.

I can confirm that the direct link at the top post America end Europe links still work, but definitely something is not quite right…

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None of the alternate links are working when I try to click them. I am also unable to connect to your ticket service to make a more formal and direct search for a solution. Battle.net is refusing to download after I have attempted so many potential solutions, restarts, reinstalls, everything, I just wasted my money on the Necro DLC for D3. Please, I need any help at all with this. It is beyond frustrating at this point.

Howdy NightKnight,

If you aren’t able to open the Support site or create tickets, then it sounds like you are experiencing a separate issue. Have you tried testing another network like a hotspot or free VPN?

I had this problem for 2 hours where I tried everything… I decided to write support and just before hitting send - I tried 1 more time… and the download finished. So if anyone else is having the problem, maybe give it a pause and try again in a bit. Did lose a bit of my sanity tho :wink:

I too have the Failed - Network Error issue, and despite being currently logged in (hence this post) the battle.net website randomly tells me to log in or I cant do x or y unless logged in.

After a year have you guys come up with a solution other than ‘check your firewall’? Because I have tried everything in this thread, multiple times. I was playing a week ago just fine, you really need to get to the bottom of what’s causing this for so many of your PAYING customers.


Hi guys. ITS CHROME! use EDGE to download it… That’s what worked for me.

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I’ve tried everything listed here, tons of youtube videos, new administrator windows accounts, router resets, ip resets, cache clearing, different browser, etc.
The links you have here for “alternative downloads” dont even open for me, please help