setup file download "Failed - Network Error"

I was not able to download on my old mac so I was hoping it would work on my new mac (just got it yesterday). I am getting the same “failed - network error”. Is there anything new on this, would be great if it just worked. I have tried every suggestion and every link in this thread. Any suggestions for 2021? Thanks!

Hey there Grageon,

Thanks for reaching out with those details! I’ve moved your post to your own thread as we want to discourage ‘bumping’ past issues on our end that have since been resolved. In this case, since the problem has now persisted on two different computers, can you temporarily test an alternate network such as a mobile hotspot or VPN? This will help us quickly determine whether the issues are network-related.

If you’re able to download the file when using an alternate network, at that point we can be sure that the issue is isolated to the primary network. In these situations, ultimately we can only recommend contacting the Internet Service Provider (ISP) for assistance determining what is causing the issue to occur on that specific network. They might need to adjust network-level security/firewall settings or temporarily replace the network devices in your home to narrow it down further. I always recommend requesting to be forwarded to a “level 2 or level 3 technician” when contacting the ISP since the front-line representatives typically only have access to basic diagnostics and troubleshooting tools.

I hope this helps! Let us know if you have any questions going forward.

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I did try my cell phone data (iphone) and my internet is through Bell. So, not really sure how it could be the ISP’s issue as so many people have this problem. I think i’ll just give up. lol But thanks for responding. :slight_smile: