Main Thread. Blizzard Agent went to sleep. Attempting to wake it up

Yay, Me too :frowning:

Same problem here,We need help blizzard

I’m stuck at “Updating Blizzard Agent…”

same here … i closed my CoD warzone free game and now this… i did all what they suggest and nothing they said they went to sleep … this company is sleeping all year long … dont know why its not on steam … i never have any single issue with steam of my 15 yrs of using it even right now i am typing this comment and every 15 sec it say you are logged out …

I had logged in successfully about 2 hours ago, but logged out. Then, trying to log in again about a half hour ago, the “Blizzard Agent Went to Sleep” error cropped up. I deleted and Blizzard Entertainment folders. Reinstalled No success with any of these suggested fixes. I had a Windows 10 update last night - KB4551762

I just want to be a party of history and say I was not able to play cardstone.

i have same problem, tried to unistal and now cant install…

First Day Of Season 20 and we cant log in…

There’s a Bnet update as well as an update for Shadowlands files. Just wait at the “sleeping” error message for a moment and your client will populate the content after a few moments.

problem has been going for 12 hours and blizzard is still meh…

same problem here. this is unacceptable, blizzard!!

according to reddit, it is happening even if you have not updated windows… the launcher is kah-poot

Same issue…

Same here stuck on waking up the app…decided to uninstall and now I couldn’t install it, stuck on “updating blizzard app” -__-"


Same error “Blizzard went to sleep”. I can’t launch Heroes of the Storm in any possible way

Same issue here…reboots not working!

same here - updated windows last night, I was able to play WoW, but it’s not working now

Figured I would jump in on the club and say I am having the same issue. I went through all the stuff it told me to do until I decided to check the forums. Sure enough, I’m not alone!

Same Prob here Blizzard Please help Us

me to…it sucks…