Main Thread. Blizzard Agent went to sleep. Attempting to wake it up

its a server issue ya dumb’’’’’

unfortunately that doesn’t work with call of duty

Same here updated last night,anyone tried to reset computer to earlier state?

Yeah same problem here for the entire day… I was stupid and uninstalled the app and try to reinstall it. ‘‘updating blizzard agent…’’ stuck. ;_; Yikes forever.

I am also having the same issue hope they fix soon

Try this

me to my pc is windows 10 and RAM 16 . SSD . and after all it does not work I don’t understand

NR 1, thank you man.


same sh*t here, I already smashed my desk

same bro sad story …

Having the same problem.

Mine just woke up, I was trying to download CoD MW in the background not watching it when I was testing my microphone, setting it up, maybe I pushed a few wrong buttons and when I switched to, the download wasn’t working and when I tried restarting the app I got the sleeping error thing.

anyway’s, what fixed it for me was deleting the modern warfare folder located in - “C:\Program Files (x86)” - and didn’t even have to reload the app, it woke right up.

GL gamers, trying the install again… and… its buffering something but nothing has started downloading yet, haven’t gotten a windows prompt to let it download yet… alright well maybe its broken cause it seems to be buffering but not doing anything else. maybe will post again if something positive happens. GL dudes and dudettes

Same issue. had to log into WoW directly.

Is there even a way to manually patch Overwatch to 1.46.00? My download won’t start for the update.

Wow, you blew my mind I didn’t know. thank you <3.

Yup same here. I work nights so only get to play at this time!

thnx bro , it worked .

Same here please fix like i dont play a monthly service to not be able to play

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I’m having the same problem. Is Blizzard even aware of this issue?

Yep same problem here… All worked fine at 9am but now i can’t play. hope they fix this soon!