Diablo 3 pc/steam deck controller support

Diablo is a time tested and loved game that has existed on consoles since the xbox 360/ps3. Now we have controller support on the nintendo switch platform as well but PC still over all these years has not been granted access to these features.

I have a steam deck and want nothing more than to be able to run diablo 3 on it woth native controller support. Its honestly shocking this doesnt exist allready considering the console ports and qol allready exist.

Please, please add controller support to diablo 3 for pc

This forum is for discussion of the original Diablo.

For discussion on Diablo III, use the Diablo III forums:

Use the search button before posting… that suggestion has been made several times… here for example.

Diablo 3 on the couch with a controller sounds like a great time, especially on a Steam Deck.

While you’re right about the console versions having controller support, it’s important to remember the PC version was designed from the ground up for mouse and keyboard. Implementing full controller support might require more than just a simple port.



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