I agree this is a joke. Blizzard are not taking any responsibility for their poor service. When you are getting such low download speeds yet your test for your on provider is fine Blizzard should provide you with a explanation and if they cant then you should be provided with a refund for the purchase. No other company in the world would think that this is acceptable for it customers.
All they say is to leave it on over night so its not peek time LMAO, if I wanted to do that I wouldn’t pay for the fastest internet my provider does would I?
Sort it out I appreciate that the current situation isn’t the best to rectify this kind of problem but as many companies around the world still continue to give a great service so should you Blizzard…
Because they are full of absolute BS. If they think people are stupid enough to believe their blatant BS then they deserve to lose every single customer they have on PC.
Honestly, whoever is saying that he has 10mb/s download speed is blessed.
While here iam suffering with 30 kb/s while steam is giving me 20 mb/s download speed.
This is a flipping (I couldn’t use the other word) joke honestly, if they will keep throttling download speed for what ever reason, then stop hosting such big games on such bad servers like blizzard.
Use steam instead, hell steam is way better than any other launcher i have ever used, great features etc.
Please blizzard stop doing this, this is just making your launcher look even worse its the worst launcher i have used since beginning i swear.
There is no glitch… Those are the crappy bullsh*t Servers Blizzard uses for CoD.
Blizzard: Primarily, our Content Distributing Network is intentionally reducing download speeds to help with “internet demands”?
WTF are you even talking about? Internet is fine… Only YOUR BULLSH*T SERVERS are the problem… God damnit i can play CS:GO while Streaming Netflix on 3 different TV’s with a low ping… I can download on Steam with 60MB/s.
And Blizzard? 50-60KB/s downloads, big freakin lags at Warzone… Sometimes packet loss up to 150%…
Your Servers are BULLSH*T, that’s the Problem. Nothing else.
This whole problem is just a joke. Cheaters capture the whole Warzone game… Nothing you do about, your servers suck a*s, nothing you do about.
I really hope the next CoD is not getting released at Blizzard.
I need to connect to a japanese server with VPN from Hungary, to download the latest 30gb patch ?? You can’t fool me with the answer that if i choose a less frequent time of the day, the download speed will be better. It’s 00:30 am now in Hungary. Without VPN my download speed mostly 0 kB/s, in fortunate times it goes up to 300 kB/sec. With VPN i can download the patch with 6-7 MB/sec.
I have speeds of up to 110 MBps yet I’m down to as low as 90.0 KBps
what the Heck are you clowns doing with throtaling your servers ??
I’d like to throtle your necks!!!
The situation has not changed in the last month due to much of the world still being on lockdown due to quarantines. I’m reposting this to ensure it doesn’t get lost in the thread.
Please this is a lame excuse, upgrade your servers and your bandwidth you’ll be right. Stop restricting speed, cause the long it takes for us to download the longer it takes for the next person to get the game.
[quote=“Zenlaka, post:93, topic:4682”]
As a result of increased network demand on the internet at large, we’ve seen an impact on players’ download speeds when trying to install or update their games. We continue to monitor and adjust elements within our control to get these downloads to you as quickly as possible, while also working in a space with ever-increasing demand for bandwidth across the internet at large.[/quote]
I call balls on that sorry, you need to do some upgrading then, stop making the customer cop it because your slack.
Nope this is just an excuse, upgrade. The longer it takes for us to download, the longer it takes for the next person to get the update and or the game. Make our downloads faster then we can get it, get it over and done with, and the next person can get it. Stop making excuses for your crappy service.
Please cut the crap, not everyone has crappy internet, you admitted because you de prioritizing. You’re corporate jargon doesn’t work on those who are good on PC’s. Do you expect to being talking to people that know nothing hmmm?
And the rest of the stuff you said with all due with respect sounds like incompetence. I wouldn’t put up with this crap from my ISP or anyone other company that pulls this crap, why should we take it from yours?
We are gamers and we are not stupid, get your act together.
tried vpn, tried different regions, got one of the fastest internetproviders in the city, dota2 update goes for at least 10mb/s and overwatch für 20-25mb/s and this “game” gives me 0,1-0,6mbs…
even on patches or fixes with 200mb i only dl with maximum 0,6mbs.
this issue exist since the release / partner up with activision and there is freakin no fix. paying 60 bucks for a 170gb game and nothing works. the best compensation we get here is another double xp weekend where no1 gives a rabbits a ss about it.
this is a joke rly. those fixes mentioned up there seems like its just coincidence for those who got past the 5mbs mark.
downloading a 170gb game with 0,6mbs tops is a disgrace.
2mbs would be at least somwhere decent … (not perfect) but everything under 5mbs is … … ffs…
My issue was slow download (200 KB/s). I saw a noticeable improvement by updating the network bandwidth (Settings -> Game Install/Update -> Network Bandwidth).
We use Spectrum and have download speeds of about 100 MB/s (not every site supports that though). For the Blizzard download, I set it to 5000 (about 5 MB/s) and that seems to be moving it along at about 4.8 MB/s on the American servers.
The downloader, much like the Steam client use to do with it’s downloads, may restrain your computers over-all downloading speeds (becomes the priority). If that’s the case, try half the speed above. If you’re on a slower connection (at least DSL), you should be able to download at 2 MB/s (2000), which will still take awhile but should push it along.
If I run into any issues after the download, I’ll head back here for an update.