update agent constant asking for permission

Cross referencing my EU post.

I have exactly the same problem as described in this topic.

** edit: not allowed to post a link. Look for on ‘battlenet-client-elevated-prompt-keeps-popping-up’ on EU forums

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Here you are:

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3 days passed, no help nor fix.

Pretty sure this problem is different from January, its like a week old or so.

My advice for gamers is to check settings “close completely when the game starts”(so it won’t interrupt your gaming), but UAC prompt when you launch manually won’t go away ofcourse. So it has to be fixed.

Chiming in, I have it to. Pulls me out of Tarkov right in the middle of a firefight. I’m going to uninstall it, it does nothing for me but let them harvest my data, which is clearly why it asks 29x a day for permissions while literally no other app does the same (even the literal fan and GPU controller Lol) while running in the background.

Same here. It is really annoying that it constantly pops up when I’m doing WoW raids. Even worse it won’t stop and continue to pop up again and again even if I clicked Yes.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game and the BNet entirely, to no use, it even pops up the moment I installed BNet back.

I tried the latest beta client but same problem ( (beta)

I would recommend everyone to also file a bugreport. You can do that from within the client in the menu. I highly doubt this forum is actively being monitored or taken seriously by the devs. Make sure to reference these topics as well.

Thank you for the suggestion, just did it.
Maybe I should file a bug report every time it happens and see what comes first.
A fix, or a ban. Lol

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+1 to this. I just fresh installed and HOTS yesterday… this is now popping up and interrupting everything once or twice per game…

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Same here, please advice

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so this is not a fix but a way to stop the pop ups while playing
settings > app > on game launch turn this to exit completely
this wont stop pop ups while keeping the app in the back round it will stop the pop ups while playing any game on the app. or you can just close the app after launching a game.

there is also a fix that you disable UAC pop ups in windows BUT this “fix” could be very harmful, So don’t do this unless your 100% sure you know what your doing.

Does anyone have a fix for this yet because it constantly pops up. I’m losing my mind over this.

have the exact same issue since upgrading to w11 about a week ago, every 2 hours i get a popup disturbing whatever i’m doing.
Sent a bug report and hoping for the best

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Bumping this post, same happening to me.
Nonstop UAC requests interrupting gameplay, only started happening on my w11 pc last 2 weeks

Have made a bug report in the battlenet client, recommending everyone to do the same.

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Same problem. Brand new computer, Win 11. It’s popped up a half dozen times today, while I was playing a game on another client.

No fix yet to my knowledge.

But I’m sure they’re getting hella sick of me ‘bug reporting’ every time it happens through the BNet launcher.
Hell this is the default template I’m using now and just paste the newest log / occurrence number, lol. Think I’m up to #58 or something.

OS: Windows 11 Home
Please see the following in the Desktop App Tech Support forums.
https:// update agent constant asking for permission
https:// keeps asking for UAC permissions when launched

Prompt # since 6/21/24 @ 14:15

Had to space break the URL as it was just embedding the threads, haha.

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ok i see everyone is looking for a fix, this is a bug there is nothing you can do on about it.
until then just bug report it.

also there is a fix for it while playing,
settings > app > on game launch turn this to exit completely

this wont fix the bug while keeping the app open in the back round.

so you don’t really have anything to do about it until Activision Blizzard are going to fix there app.

Same thing is happening to me. Earlier this week i had to wipe windows 11 as part of a trouble shooting thing from lenovo tech support, diablo 4 is one of like 2 games on my os drive so i had to reinstall it from game pass, roughly a week later (today) i set the game back up and started bangin out some nightmare dungeons, and seriously like once every 45 minutes I’m getting prompted by update agent to approve it making changes to my system. It totally takes over the screen and minimizes the game while I’m in the middle of a dungeon. I went into the batfle net launcher and turned off all updates while playing a game, turned off automatically installing updates etc. And it still keeps happening, wt actual f are they thinking??? I’m 100% sure this was not happening to me 2 weeks ago. What changed and how do i stop it?

just close the app while not using it , and while playing
settings > app > on game launch turn this to exit completely

cause there is really nothing else you can do about this, its a bug with and win11

I had the same issue after rolling back from Windows 11 to 10. I fixed it by going to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update and adjusting the Advanced options to limit notifications. You can set it to not bother you during games or even pause updates for a bit. It made a huge difference for me!

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Fresh installed Windows 11, same Problem. Battle Net App keeps poping up, asking for restrictions. @Blizzard, what’s up there. At least an Info could help