Battle net keeps logging me out

Everyday I find that I have been automatically signed out of Battlenet, even though I have the “Keep me logged in” setting selected. There were posts in May and september about this issue but they have been closed and a fix or resolution was never provided.


Blizz is trying to hide the issue for some reason

If they don’t respond, why the hell do we even have this forum?


Has this been fixed??

No, this is an ongoing issue. But apparently they don’t care.


Keep this post alive.
Same issue here. Started with the client update around D4 launch for me.
Followed all suggestions to no avail.
Login keeps up for <23h, but beyond 23h, I 'am logged out again.

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If your IP changes, you’re likely to be logged out. Every time I connect my VPN it logs me out, and I believe that is intended. Many ISPs reset your IP daily, or at least the connection to the modem.

My IP address doesn’t change very often but I’m signed out multiple times per day. When the system enters sleep it expires the new token system they implemented last year.

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Since there hasn’t been mention of a bug, I believe that behavior is intended.

This appears to have been fixed recently, it broke all my game associations (had to locate for each game) and it still logs out but now it automatically signs me back in whenever the popup appears.

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Yes this is a problem for me. Very annoying.
Starlink ip changes - logged out
Internet disconnects for 30 seconds - logged out
Computer sleeps - logged out
breathe wrong - logged out

As a developer I am certain this is not intended, it is poor coding. Its 100% trying to get a new jwt token, failing to reach the server and wiping the current saved token. It should only be wiping the token based on a specific response from the server, not any error.

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I keep getting disconnected every day. then have to reenter login information. Even though I click stay logged in. This is very annoying. It has been going on for a while. I’m fed up with it.

The stay logged in button, is useless.

fix this. It is not working as intended. Everyday your login system is creating frustration.

And my IP is not changing. It happens every time the program is closed.

Similar issue here. Every time I wake up the computer the login screen pops back up. Most of the time it’s just re-authenticating so I don’t actually have to put my credentials back in, but what is super annoying is opening up the BN desktop app, seeing that I’m logged in, starting D4, then a second later seeing that the app is AGAIN trying to re-authenticate. Then when the game starts I get a login error and get kicked back out to the desktop.

This is infuriating. There’s no reason for the app to CONSTANTLY need to re-authenticate multiple times a day. And if the app shows I’m logged in, don’t freaking wait until AFTER I’ve started the game to decide to re-authenticate me.

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You’re not alone in this every day I deal with the same issue. I have totally unloaded the battle net app, and have re-downloaded just like they suggest, nothing, nada, zip has helped. Blizzard, are you getting this?

Like what the hell man ?
why hasn’t this been solved yet ?
Where are you ?
all of us are annoyed .

This is indeed infuriating…
Checked when testing the “keep me logged in” basically does not do what intended, WAN IP stays the same tested and turned off antivirus for testing purposes to ensure 100% they aren’t the cause and still won’t autologin on battle net launch. Sometimes on lucky days it works as intended but very rarely. I do not have any sleep mode on, I shutdown my PC everyday (I have fast startup OFF/does not hibernate on shutdown) and I have to type password and confirm auth code again on every windows startup. This has been a constant pain to me for months since the new authenticator was phased in…

Do you have an app that clears security tokens/cookies every time you shut down?

Trying to find the difference between me and others since I never run into this problem, even after the authenticator changed over.

I don’t think so, no (IT Specialist here) What I did notice is when it happens (re-asks for pass and auth) the password field appears to be totally blank without bullet points “covering” the text but just an empty field when the app is autostarting, then prompts for password. I have now disabled browser hardware acceleration perhaps it could be the one conflicting but usually to realistically compare results it would take 12,24 or 48hrs after changing settings (idk why) as i have been testing anything i could find online like crazy.

Did you try swapping to the beta version or back to the release client?

The blank password field on launch is normal. I also see this, but it doesn’t cause any other problems.