Banned for no reason - COD MW2

Adding my voice to the chorus. Really liked what I saw on streams, even though I haven’t played a CoD game in well over a decade or more. I bought the $150 premium edition and tried to play a match on my lunch break. Invasion didn’t work so I just did a quick match. Went to jump back into the game after work, and after a couple connection errors, it said I was banned.

I play hundreds of games on this machine, with countless anti cheat softwares. I’ve been playing online games even before the internet was a thing. I have never used a cheat in my life. My 19 years clean, honest service history in Steam gone over this false accusation. Appeal rejected and refund denied. If I don’t start getting answers soon, I will find and pay someone to get them for me.


Same thing happened to me, after playing the game for 3 hours got permanently banned from ‘’ COD MW2 ‘’ in the next day on steam ‘‘reason: CASERMA-RHINO’’. Sent the apeal, but it was denied by saying that i was using unauthorized softwares and more.


same and they dont tell you anything about what “unauthorized software” you are using!


I understand that they need to remove cheaters, those who interfere with the game, but that list also includes people who were banned by mistake, the support does not even try to figure out anything and leaves us disappointed and lost money due to a mistake.

Lets hope that support will attention on this issue.


You guy do know this whole thread has the POTENTIAL of being the same guy with different accounts JUST SAYING :man_shrugging::man_shrugging::man_shrugging::man_shrugging::man_shrugging::man_shrugging::tipping_hand_man:

You guys are NOOB CHEATERS. Whats the #1 rule in CHEATING never use your MAIN ACCOUNT this includes (STEAM) LMFAO​:v::v::v:

P.S. Cod Crack is a POWERFUL DRUG. Now OPEN YOUR WALLETS AGAIN :money_mouth_face:

Just copped a permaban too. Thought I’d weigh in here as well, the exact same thing happened to me on MW2019 a few months ago. Banned for no reason whatsoever. Lovely.


Thought I’d weigh in here. I caught a permaban 2 weeks into the vanguard launch. That stung. Ended up falling back to MW for a while and logged in a few months back to find out that my account had been banned AGAIN this time on MW. I fresh install my OS just incase something is flagging as a false positive, even create myself a new battlenet and activision account. I 2FA’d on both just to make sure. Woke up the second day of the beta to find out that my new and fresh alternative account had been banned too. No idea what causes this nonsense. Looks like I’ll be skipping this entry all together.


Hi man, exactly what I was thinking. The only software I use is related to my steelseries headset and mouse which can be downloaded straight from the steelseries website.


Activision RESPONDED to the ban appeal on my steam account, and they said they wont unban, i really hope this world burns honestly.

I tried the old Warzone on modern warfare and got banned aswell for no reason, created another account on battlenet and got Banned for the 2nd time… whatever software is triggering the anti-cheat is not cheating software at all… i’m beyond disappointed at Activision.
Honestly game companies have too much power and are very neglectful of their customer service I really hope this changes with new laws coming in the future.


Took day off got to level 30, only to find out my account is banned? I wasted 18 hours of my time it hurts. Many clips of me playing for proof and my friends got banned too… plz fix this activision.

Edit: Anyone blaming cheats, just because you saw a video online you should have the brain capacity to know that they are not available to the general public. Those are professional hackers testing their programs till full game comes out that’s how they make $$ then some suckers buy those cheats… Just my $0.02


I’ve appealed my ban with Paypal now as Steam denied it. I’ve been banned on the open beta, the actual game hasn’t been released yet, so they are obligated to refund.



Everyone who has a twitter account, go to @MW2CODHub and lets post this random ban with reason “CASERMA-RHINO” lets try to bring light to this issue, allot of people are getting into this situation and we can help them avoid this.


Oh wow. Thank you for letting me know this!

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I have 32min of game opened on steam and got banned. I tried refund they denied because of game developer ban. So yeah… all the cards are with Activision unfortunately.


Try to upload the clip to youtube and send us the link, we need everything we can get to bring them to patch their anti-cheat issue and hopefully unban or return our money.


I bought access key for the beta for 5$ and I played 4 games and the next day I found out that I was banned


Hi All,

Excactly the same issue here, just a question do any of you use Hyper-V or any virtualisation software. Ive been banned from Warzone for about 4 months and at the time i was using my work laptop which has this software on for work purposes.

I played the beta absolutely fine at home on my PC and then i went to site tried to play and immediately banned permanently?

Let me know!


The Same thing has happened to me i only played for 55 mins and i now i have the same ban where can i appeal?