92 min Queue to get in DabloIV Demo

you want a refund? You’re never going to play this game ever again because of this?

damn thats crazy if you paid extra that means you got scammed

136min q time right now. What is going on

If they don’t extend the beta you know they truly hate their players. @blizzard

Your lucky when I try to log in its 180 minutes lol see you guys in 3 hours

you guys need to grow up its a beta the game does not even come out for three months god i hate to have seen you all back in the day when playing the og wow you would wait 60 mins to get into a single battle ground, Not everything is gonna get handed to you on a silver platter. so stop saying your gonna refund a beta… i paid 12 dollars and got into the beta thanks to kfc :smiley: and still playing it qq more :stuck_out_tongue:

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i guess the quest top grab the cosmetics wont be easy cause i cant even log in the game.

soon you 'll crash i wont know when but you 'll remember me =)

and if i do i wont come running to the forms complaning about it lol ill either try again and wait or try tmmw :smiley:

blue screen of death?

they could give us 100 buck worth of gems on each of their games to make up for their crap unrolling of this turd online-only game as well as a 6 month scrip to wow

entitled much. lol why not just give you game for free when they at it.

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Think of it this way, if players were not having the game crash as often, the wait time would be far longer…

yes your right, my wait time went from 180 minutes down to 29 minutes after 15 minutes of wait lol I guess a lot of you got kicked by the game… Let’s see if the same happens to me

patience is a beta virtue.

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Waited for almost 2 hours… then got a “too many login attempts”. Now back to the end of the line. This is not cool!

Yea one would think that Bliz would learn over the last 20 years but no Activation made them stupid. Really Blizz be back on your A game now that your not Activations slave and be the way your were 10-15 years ago and have the players experience the main thing not a fing bottom dollar.

Well I am done trying today and sense social media is a BIG thing now I will post that Bliz Dropped the ball again and I really hate to say that but they did.

I 2023.03.18 01:07:33.361697 [Sigma] — OS memory stats -----
I 2023.03.18 01:07:33.361701 [Sigma] Virtual Mem Total: 31926.52 Mb
I 2023.03.18 01:07:33.361703 [Sigma] Virtual Mem Used: 31911.86 Mb
I 2023.03.18 01:07:33.361705 [Sigma] Virtual Mem Used by Process: 19173.16 Mb
I 2023.03.18 01:07:33.361707 [Sigma] Phys Mem Total: 31926.52 Mb
I 2023.03.18 01:07:33.361708 [Sigma] Phys Mem Used: 16523.06 Mb
I 2023.03.18 01:07:33.361710 [Sigma] Phys Mem Used by Process: 6486.01 Mb
I 2023.03.18 01:07:33.361712 [Sigma] — OS memory stats end-----
E 2023.03.18 01:07:33.361714 [Game] [Prism] Out of memory when creating texture
I 2023.03.18 01:07:33.361824 [Game] Trying to allocate Texture2D again after purging
E 2023.03.18 01:07:33.362213 [Game] pm_dx12::Device::InitTexture: CreateCommittedResource Failed - Error : OutOfMemory, SystemCode : 0x8007000E (E_OUTOFMEMORY)

Error from log for the out of memory issue. this is on a RTX 3090 with 32 gigs of ram. Hopefully helpful to someone at Blizz.

the fact it is a beta is literally no excuse for the authentication wait times.

If we’re crashing due to code instability? That’s okay. Hardcore deaths due to this? OK. That’s “it’s a beta”. Incomplete/bugged quests? That’s OK. Missing/poor optimization? That’s OK.

Being a massively profitable mega corp and being willingly so cheap as to not properly resource your CLOSED beta weekend is not a valid excuse.