Question for LATAM

I’d like to say that I welcome you all to whichever servers you intend to be on. The more the merrier.

I think it would be pretty awesome to see a LATAM dominance guild in Classic.

How many of you will be joining one faction to maximize LATAM dominance or will you spread out to your liking?

Actually, we are in the process to decide this very matter. Ths sunday it’s gonna be announced the resolution for the PvP realm selected.

And to be frank, we are far away to be able to stablish “dominance” in any realm, because of our numbers. We are not that many as the brazilian players (so I say not to worry!)

Igual, gracias por tu interés (¿no eres espía, verdad?, XD)

1 "Me gusta"

Whatever the numbers are, it’ll be great to have everyone playing classic.

And no. I don’t care for demographics or streamer status.

1 "Me gusta"

Maradona is better than Pele.

12 "Me gusta"

cool to see a NA dude asking about us, nevertheless i think latin are going to play more horde side

LATAM community has no more than 600-800 players in total divided very evenly in 50-50 in 6 guilds 3 horde and 3 alliance.

That’s nice. At least you’re structured so far. Wish we would get there. Everyone seems to want to bicker about things.

porfavor escribe en español,aqui hablamos en español y aunque algunos podemos entender ingles y/o portugues ,yo pido respeto y que si quieres hacer un post aqui almenos te esfuerces y lo escribas en español.
A que me veo estupido diciendo esto ,no? xd

No seas ignorante, quizás no entiende y no puede escribir en español. Tiene todo el derecho de preguntar en su idioma.

Lo dice porque los gringos piden que hablemos en su idioma y no aceptan el español

Imagine seeing someone called Maradona in game LOL

1 "Me gusta"

Si, te ves estupido.
Deja de ser dramaqueen chabon, por ahi no sabe español

1-Eso es una generalizacion.
2-Si alguien hace algo estupido, vos vas y haces lo mismo? No.

Vamos, vamos: contexto, con-tex-to…