Zuluhed Alliance Reconnections

Looking for Yuni or Yunia.
Cant remember the name of the character I played at the time.
Both Night Elf.
Used to hang out by the lighthouse in Dark Shore.

Oh my god. Pigtails. That name just brought back a rush of memories haha.

I remember Secondwind as well, I guess Empyreal Decree was the guild I was in, not sure why I was thinking I was in Brimstone. It’s been way too long.

And yes, I do remember the AQ40 and Naxx progression.

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Ardy I will be on Herod. Hit me up and we can mess around.

I remember being in Group Hug with Jadefire (Druid) and Puppet (Mage) raiding for a while. I was also playing with a few Chad’s in < Time not Skill > while on the R13 grind. Wasn’t < Fire & Brimstone > the fastest launch -> Nef kill at the time? Something like 45 days?? idk??

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Hagii. Dwarf Paladin and Priest of the same name. I was in Empyreal Decree, Team Awesomsauce, GH for like 5 mins, etc.

Not sure how much time I can dedicate to playing, but I know that myself and Betic (UD Warlock) are going to play.


Barabas/Nightime - 60 Fury Warrior - Pantheon

I don’t remember too many people from Pantheon (with the exception of Lorenzo), but recall having good times with them.

I eventually joined Group Hug for a brief period of time, but someone said a racial slur in Vent, and when I responded, I got removed from guild later that day. (The internet mirite)

Did a lot of World PvP. Pantheon got to Twin Emps, but progression stress tore the guild apart.

If anyone knows Lorenzo (Human Fury Warrior), I’d appreciate a connect!

Character - DestinyX (Human Warrior)

Guild - Hostile Nation

Liked to run around doing random world PvP, BG’s, and some raiding.

omg hai hagii. big fan!

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Aw, unfortunately I was unable to get on Herod, just comer over to Thalnos or Fairbanks yeah ?

Been a while, I always remember the Zuludead jokes. Played a hunter here Uzephi/bmybow and had a few people I remember playing with,Pacifica on paladin. Artania-bm hunter, Ooptioo shaman, Slye rogue, Xgattsu war, HolyMayo priest, Tatordots warlock. Miss seeing some of the names here looking to see if anyone coming back for classic!

WAs in a guild called brimstone i beleive it was on this server, i cant remember we all transfered from emerald dream RP and rerolled on one of the new servers and got the fastest times clearing content from the time a new server had opened, it was either here or ursin where we landed.

But the guild was called brimstone, i played a human warlock named Riley our guild leaders name was kohler and i cant remember the other officers name started with a T and he emailed me a few years back trying to get the gang back together

So please message me here but also add me on discord for the best way to reach me Asleepdan(same)#2534

what killed brimstone wasnt the way loot was going, we were pushing hard for WF on c’thun WHILE he was bugged we kept getting him closer n closer we had the split perfect at the start, but the way the encounter was you couldent lose 1 person, so what killed us was our guild leader was so dead set on world first we grinded that fight wipe over wipe over wipe over wipe and the GM was getting irritated that we couldent do it, knowing full well the fight was bugged, so after 1 last night of attempts we log off, and log on to c’thun being fixed and some EU guild getting the world first because of the time zone difference their raid times worked perfectly for the update we werent scheduled to raid until 4-5 hours later, so that basically crushed the guild that we missed it due to the patch coming out at a time where EU would be active and we werent as a US EAST guild, we continued into naxx and all that but the guild was splintered at that point, people were burnt out because the c’thun thing, some people didnt like how intense and i guess edgy the GM was because of it so we lost alot of core raiders and it was tough filling the ranks back up, but we were the top raiding guild on that server no doubt, until our slow demise.

YOOOO its me RILEY the warlock! im looking to meet up with you guys again! add me on disc brother me Asleepdan(same)#2534

guild was brimstone with a weird O, hit me up man been trying to find the old officers in my emails

Too bad I was only involved in zuluhed for a month before the new release of BC. And all my day was in BC through Legion before I finally x-fer out of there.

Was in X III (or whatever the number was for) guild through BC/Early Wrath before they disband. Played as Aldera (draenei female pally) healer, and Pokegirl (NE druid) and maybe Scya (gnome rogue), if anyone here recognize me. :smiley:

Def remember fighting a Riley in BGs back in the day. Weren’t you the one where we used to meme on the forums about all of your layers of fat because you played Soul Link?

yes we were, the fastest clear for all content starting fresh on a new server, quickest MC clear // BWL clear // AQ40 clear // ZG etc we had all that done in record time from server opening

@sloppywings i dont remember any memes about me but possibly? i did play soul link and was a god :stuck_out_tongue:

Xcept! Nice to see you man. You were also in ED :stuck_out_tongue:

Vitamin B12!

“GM” Harlot here :slight_smile: Remember “Catastrophy” or “God of War” I still have pics on my photobuket of Hagii “Best Everything Ever”

Hey friend long time no see. Sorry about running amok on your private server all those years ago, can we be friends again?

You might remember this character better.
