Zuluhed Alliance Reconnections

!! I’m looking for Galdan, Azella, Wildpath, and Reikarei (Rei)
Or anyone that was in the druid guild Pack of The Wild
circa 2008-2010

Yes GH was on the server my IRL friend raided with them.

I was a Gnome Warrior named Jard in classic and played with Hostile Nation for the most part.

Xcept - Warrior

Looking for anyone From Group Hug or the PvP guild Dun Mess that eventually merged with group hug.

I was in Dun mess, was a warrior named Xcept. Only even made it to rank 12 though before we merged with brimstone to raid and then finally moved over to Group Hug. A few names i remember – Snowcone, Turrin, Geeves, Jeriko or Jericho, Mitsuki. I’m sure more will come to mind, also i do remember ParisHilton.

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Uncle Bleu?

I don’t know if Hagii is playing WoW anymore. He still logs onto Battle.net- last logged yesterday- but I haven’t talked to him since Cata.

Yup. :wink:

10 char

What up Ardy!

Chester - Night Elf Feral Druid
Empyreal Decree

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I used to play a Rogue. Still got a SS of my original character! Lots of good memories! I think the leaders name was Lif? Or something along those lines!

Amaven - Night Elf Rogue
Guild: Fervor

Played as this exact character “Muffins”. I can’t remember the guild I was in, but I do remember we cleared AQ40 and were fairly deep into Naxx.

I’m pretty sure my guild leader was a gnome warrior named Kohler, but I could be wrong.

Guild name was Brimstone, Kohler was a notorious douchebag. Guild eventually fell apart and some of the members merged with Group Hug.

Vanilla toon - Xcept
Vanilla guild - Group Hug and Dun Mess

Sounds about right from what I can remember. Although I was 16 at the time, so it’s been a while and my memory isn’t the best. Group Hug does sound familiar as well.

I also don’t remember anyone that I played with, so if anyone remembers this character, then hello!

I remember you Xcept. I was the other rogue besides Paris on our team when Dun Mess was all PVP. I left before the merging of the guilds right after the AQ event for real life but the nostalgia is real.

Wasn’t Kohler the Guild leader that raided their bank (Brimstone maybe?) and then transferred servers? I just remember he was a prick on vent during AQ.

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I’m pretty sure I quit the guild before it disbanded. I remember pretty lame loot distributions going on in Naxx.

Mitch! what’s up, you going to play Classic?

For some reason Muffins, I remember you in Empyreal Decree during AQ40 progression (Twins? I think) along with our push into Naxx. One of our better healers.

The gnome tank you are thinking of was probably Pigtails. Secondwind was our off-tank and a Night Elf.

Did secondwind get sniped because of naxx gear to an off server guild?