Ardy don’t forget Cindsor bro…its Badboyz
I remember you Xcept, you were one of the first people on the server with epic flying when BC first launched.
Xyxi/Harlot here
All this talk of Empyreal Decree, where is Purplemonger?
Oh look a screenshot with myself, Hagii, and Thiamin all at once.
NE warrior Tam and NE priest Elayne. I was in Legions of Lordaeron and Fervor.
Hey Passion, I played a warrior in Dun Mess when jeeves and company were going for R14
Haha, whats up Xcept !
I still keep in touch with Jereko whenever I (briefly) resub for xpacs. I still have Es’s btag as well although he perma quit a while ago.
Did you end up going to Bloodscalp for BC with us ? played a shadow priest maybe ?
Hagii! whats up man? Yeah i remember the name ED but not much about the guild or the people in it, care to refresh my memory? Such a long time ago.
Xyxi - yeah that sounds about right, i dont remember when i got epic flying but i was a 15 year old kid with nothing better to do. I do remember being the first or second to lvl 70 in BC. Did not sleep from 60-70 then slept for like 16 hours lol.
Banjer!!! damn i forgot all about you but your name brought back memories for sure! Idk how i could forget about you or Es, damn was he a legendary rogue! He even paid for my sub a few times cuz i was a kid with no job lol. Yeah i went to bloodscalp with you guys and mained a spriest for a bit, then i went lock and raided with you guys for awhile. Stopped raiding to mainly arena around BWL, then i got into an argument with Jereko in Gchat about pvp 5v5 comps because i thought i knew everything since i was 2.4k rating in 3’s and he kicked me from the guild and /ignored me. I dont blame him though i was pretty arrogant at that time, but i was just a kid… think i was 15 or 16. Would love to have a chat with him about those times nowadays.
Hello! I did not play Vanilla but started at the beginning of TBC and played through WRATH. Lots of great times let me know if anyone members, Night Elf Huntard Pistolwhip
Anyone remember the guild Divide et Impera?
Yoooo!! I remember Riley!! A lot of BGs with pugs roaming around Gold Mine on that AV mount.
Felon you mean right bro?
Awww yeahhhh. Its almost time to do 2004 -2014 alllll over again. I recognize some of you…cant wait to hit that chat channel again heh.
I wont fall for that prank twice, you better believe it!
hi Ardy! Jainisola here!
Jain !!! Wtf is up?? How’s X …whatever her name was lol
I still talk to Baifer from time to time.
Exit, Long story.Im fine though. How are you>?
Ha! add me on bnet or w/e : kayakfish #1200
Jereko is going alli pve on pagle w/ his mythic guild, I’ll probably end up on Grob for some Wpvp goodness
Oh hey! Eloh and I were just talking about you recently what have you been up to?
Punker and Gossy if you are out there how about a hello. Punker we spoke about getting back into wow I’m sorry that didn’t quite happen.