Zul'jin Alliance Reconnections

Supppp… I’ll have a few pvp teams going on Pagle Alliance. Was originally a Grand Marshal back in the day and have led rated battlegrounds (on Horde) ever since 2k to 2600+ hero as well. (original Lock was named Sawedofftwnk lol) Ran 40-49 to Commander along with Thekota (Bailian) Vanceburton and some others then lvled to 60 for the rest of the ranks! I think Komanche me and Thekota was the only kids at 49 with 100% mounts running around for awhile!

Will prob lead new teams on Pagle to Grand Marshal again! It will mostly depend on whose still around and wants in on the bg groups! (right now it’s mostly my rbg heroes that’s going to try classic out)


Hello, I played a paladin on Zul’Jin named Matteatpie and was part of the guild Order of the Phoenix Moon in Burning Crusade. I was just trying to find any of the old members that might be coming back for Classic WOW.

azshana here from FU as well.

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AV with the mages pumping arcane blast op, azshana NE druid from FU

I ran with Final Union on a NE resto druid Azshana. learned how to actually play the game from those guys, they were solid. Had a lot of fun up through naxx 40 man with all of them. Lost touch in TBC when I moved to start college. Ill be rolling on Pagel under the name Zhanji if anyone wants to hit me up. Loved raiding in that guild.

OH MY GOSH LOL. That song <3

I have 3 - Dinomites the druid, Tokalla the huntard, and Lialyn the DH. Been on her mostly for the last weekish just to do the leveling thing.

Dhagon, Ret/Holy Pally from guild “Inlustris”, formerly “R E T R I B U T I O N”. Played this Pally toon from Mid 2005-2006 during Ony, MC, ZG, Early BWL/AQ raiding and lots of PVP. Had some guild buddies: Theillest (Druid), Killablaze (Mage, Field Marshall), Zarth, Grincairn (or Grimcarin?), Stealthymage, Dandez, Raidir, Slate, and many more whose exact names elude me atm.

Going to be playing on the Myzrael server under “Holdout” as a mage, but if anyone wants to hit me up, go for it, I’d love to hear from any of you old school peeps and hopefully play with you again, it was probably the most memorable fun I’ve had playing any vidya game, let alone WoW. Peace.

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Dude I remember you, one of my buddies was a Field Marshall and would group with you for premades. You were a beast, man! At AV especially since if I recall alliance would get curb stomped pretty frequently at BGs back then. Funnily enough I think we used to accidentally call you “SawedoffBOB” though haha, thought the name looked familiar.

Well finally figured out the name thing. As of now myself and a few friends have changed realms and will be rolling horde on Stalagg due to the possible crazy queue on Herod. Nice to see so many familiar names.

Hello Tenthers :wink:

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Now that is a name I haven’t seen in a long time… the famous pantless Samnoth. :slight_smile:

You’ll know better under my lock’s name Fireyfaith. :slight_smile:

SS now Loriom.


SAMNOTH!!! <3 <3 <3 <3

You playing live?

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Binkers here, come back to Herod and endure through the queues :frowning:

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also nice to see so many familiar names … i played mainly in final union; did tons and tons of pvp and raided like it was my job lmao. ready to climb into the nostalgia boat and see where it takes me


I had been playing on and off through the beginning of BFA on Aerie Peak. My son, the kid tanking Scholomance while I napped, plays and is really good. So good that it’s annoying to play when he does. I re-subbed and will mess about in Classic for a bit, I think. I hope you’re doing well.

And Hey Firey

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If you decide to fool around in BfA, let me know! I’m not sure if I have the time to dedicate to classic but I’d love to bug ya :wink: Know what classic server you’ll be on?

Either Pagle or Atiesh. You still bouncing around on Zul’jin?? Horde right?

I was looking at Pagle too. And yep! Look for me on Dinomites, Tokalla or Lialyn (about to be Dinosoars)

Xorash from Coterie Sodalis and Twilight Watch. Hey Puhl!
I think my RL friends finally settled on goin to pagle, so I’ll be a gnome warlock again there if anybody is looking for me. =)

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