Zul'jin Alliance Reconnections

eulalia is indeed the correct spelling!!


Obliviion checking in…3/6 synergy rogues representing!


Night Elf Warrior named Haiji in the guild Incarnation for a long time. Raided MC and BWL looking for old friends that still play.

Hey, also in Incarnation (Before that, Battlehammer). Bud, Dechande and I are at least playing on Pagle. I reserved the name Mattiam :slight_smile:

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Didn’t you get like 6/8 bloodfang week 1 with us? Lmaooo good times!!

Hot dang its good to hear from ya. Let me know whats going on and we’ll start anew.

Same here Order of the Eld. Still play with some of the original members. I don’t remember everyone’s name but it was good times. I’m looking forward to classic!!

Muskie here. I was affiliated with Final Union and founder of Team Muskie. I attained Marshall rank on PvP. Well I’m back for wow classic, same design and race. I’ll be on Pagle as of launch with some old school PvP friends. Let me know if you want to play and i’ll teach you one or two tricks on pvp. Open for anything while leveling and raiding of course. Gotta get my trinkets for that PoM pyro love :slight_smile:

I hope you remembered me.


Well hello there…

Hello D/emo. hope things are good with you. I still remember doing BG’s with you while you wore a wedding dress.

Hi Muskie. I remember you! I ended up going with Pagle as well, since that seemed to be the winning server for people from ZJ on here.

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This is Herod from stoked I remember you Muskie.

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Wow Tovah! This is Kamryn’s Son, dont really think you knew any on my toons besides when I ran Sanmourn for him. We both still play!

OMG I remember you guys! Incredible!
Pagle it is!

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My original character was known as Mirnra, Human Paladin. I was in a number of different guilds, which the names started getting jumbled in my head over the years. If you remember me, feel free to reach out and we can catch up!

Sweet I’ll see you there. I even created an exact gnome mage exactly how muskie looked. Same name and all.

Let’s level on launch. I’m taking the week off because I need to take some vacations and it lines up smoothly with launch lol

Played a human warrior named Nox. Don’t remember the guild but had loads of fun learning how to play. Would be amazing to meet some others that played around then. Lived and worked in Arizona back then but honestly cannot remember much else besides my main’s name.

Lets see, I mostly played this character, a lovely NE druid who healed a lot and cursed even more. I was in a few guilds and even ran a small one for a bit. I also played a human ret pally and rogue a bit too. It’s hard out here for a pimp, it would be awesome to meet up with some of my old friends.

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Which icky horde? I been mostly on Skutch (farming reps)or Jahleena (gearing up / bored / pvp)
I hear music playing…
is that Popcorn ?

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