Zul'jin Alliance Reconnections

maleficente from angels and demons, i remember u guys :slight_smile:

I played a female gnome warrior “Beefette”.

All the ladies loved me :stuck_out_tongue:

just 1 shadowbolt?

Maybe dunno

Hyperburn - Human Warrior, GM of Valorous

Muskie and Hurts (or struH) r bad.

Popov always kept it real.


Was level 60 Gnome Rogue, frequently seen in BG.

Immortal Knights Guild.

Characters played:
Sheol, Rogue
Delphoric, Dwarf Warrior

LookIng for other Immortal Knights:


My btag Drogarth#1718

Hey! I used to be one of the guild leaders in an awesomely fun guild named Intemperance! Wondering if any of my old crew is here. I was Fyrelle, druid and I pvp’d a stupid amount back then. =P

Kizzra here. Still playing. Also played Azreal.

ZOMG! This is Kintanaa. I was with the FU hunters. I rememeber Ramachandra trembling and in tears on our first Rag kill and Chadwick who’s french eth thought was whole nother language. Did bgs with Xab and Magistus and remember Fezzie poking everyone in IF. I hope you are all doing well! Also a wassup to Azlon, druid from Dominium. Good Times! Hugs to all of you !

Does anyone know Vraden from Blood Red Moon? I owe him lots of thanks for helping me grow my music!

Any old Zul’jin Razorbacks guildies still here in Classic or headed back into the Outlands for TBC?

Do you remember a noob warrior named Hypatos?

If I remember correctly, I talked with you for a little bit when I was questing around Westfall.

Davril here! Human Paladin.

I’m trying to remember who the hunter was…

Was it Macleod?