Coming to pagle Eulalia?
I’m around under Samnoth and have you on my friends list. Hopefully, I run into you
I remember Tyrik Dustbuster and Herod, I probably ran with Stoked when you did
I was a rogue, RL name is Sam, my Ign was Laarz
Vala, Warlock FU
Hi Promark !
This is Quickstuff (Holy Pally) - I remember you (Promark), Darkstealth (Lburna), Doom & Lucie, Kanderk, Kim, and NettiePooh, Portal, Lennex, and If I forgot anyone I’m sorry it’s been Soooooooo long ago from Apropos ! I’m on Classic WOW right now…on realm: Incedius (PVP) on Quickstuff but of course lol - happy gaming folks!! (one more thing, this is my sons toon - we have two separate accounts)
Hi Promark !
This is Quickstuff (Holy Pally) - I remember you (Promark), Darkstealth (Lburna), Doom & Lucie, Kanderk, Kim, and NettiePooh, Portal, Lennex, and If I forgot anyone I’m sorry it’s been Soooooooo long ago from Apropos ! I’m on Classic WOW right now…on realm: Incedius (PVP) on Quickstuff but of course lol - happy gaming folks!! (one more thing, this is my sons toon - we have two separate accounts)
Shoutout to Fezzie.
How are the que’s there, I am pretty much set up on Whitemane as Horde Rogue
But I could make an alt there unless I can free xfer something.
If FU’s ally again I am probably gonna be a pally or priest.
Hey. I played one half of a gnome mage duo. My character was named Lepre, the other was Chaun. We started out in a guild called Angels and Demons. We moved around after that, we were in Primis Inter Paris for a time. We started our own guild at the end of vanilla called Decimation.
EDIT** We were also in One Night Stand, but at different times.
Human Paladin Keiran checking in. Playing a shaman named Raikou on Stormrage nowadays.
So nice to see some old names I recognize. Mclovadin, Gnoblesse, Lorion, Teril…and even Abaddon!
Raided in Endless Dawn, Twilight Watch, and Elite Skill but I knew a lot of people from many different guilds. If anyone wants to reconnect my bnet is Keiran#1121
Fyerom - Night Elf Druid - Knights Templar
Were you in Hounds of War? This is Dassem (my girlfriend now wife played a priest Amoree)
Yes I was in Intemperance! Can’t remember if I knew you guys, but I knew Mcrandy/parts (same dude). I played a hunter named Rayhne at first then switched to main a NE priest named Them. Bnet is Rexy#11119 if anyone wants to catch up.
Haven’t talked to you since vanilla. You’d remember me as Armus/Kessian or something (can’t remeber what I was going by back then). Erstwhile warrior, server transferred.
I’m on Pagle suffering as a warrior yet again.
(Thenight ~ gnome warlock) don’t remember anyone’s names but would be chill if anyone remembers me. Currently playing a duplicate version gnome warlock called Thenight on bleaumeux hmu.
Lucyliu Human Rogue guild Gardiens du Lys.
Quick! I haven’t checked this thread in a long while. Good to hear from ya.
Echodrome here, used to play on Synergy as well /wave
Yep, i know zauron (aka arcenio / aldurious) was keeping in touch with yinz before launch, what server did ya wined up playing on, are you still playing?