False. I’ve cleared the vault each week on 5 toons. Still didn’t get it this week. So this item is a myth.
Got the speck of bronze dust and then the emerald dragon broach this morning.
Um, i did it on my demon hunter and despite looting every door, no speck or dragon broach before. Did i do something wrong? How comes i couldn’t find the item yet?
Guys, you should check my simple armory: https://simplearmory.com/#/us/ragnaros/darkunh/collectable/mounts
Unfortunately the vaults are random, even between your own toons.
Got both items on my first run through this morning. First level, from regular chests in the same room.
Bronze Dust Yay!!!
Oh I need another item
Oh there’s the other item, Yay!!!
Got mine tonight as well. Sadly, which the description says “it changes depending on skill and location” it’s still not a flying mount.
Could you imagine the problems if the Mossy Mammoth was a flying mount?
You would have to keep an eye on the sky for little Mammoth apples.
Yeah, and i looted everything and nothing. Not a really helpful answer, tbh.
That’s just Trash. Who designed this? It’s extremely frustrating to be punished for not using extra 70s to clear vault every week.
Well, you were talking about the item being a myth, So far every player that did the whole vault each week with the same character got it on the discord channels that I check for mounts, so maybe you skipped 1 week or miss a quest.
The vault that the last pieces drops in does not have a name. If yours are still letters, you missed a week.
Wrong, i said about how comes i didn’t loot the item yet, and if i was doing something wrong. The other guy above clarified the matter (its a RNG-based fiasco) a lot better.
Not at all. Read some more cases of people not looting the item, even on this topic. And even then, its completely and massively bizarre to punish people for skipping a vault week like this.
Some people finished it this week.
From my understanding there are like 4 different vaults and the speck only drops from one of them.
We thought it would be a rotation but it might be RNG which one you get.
The reason I think it’s RNG is bcuz I’ve seen people say they cleared all vaults each week and still don’t have it this week.
I got it done this week, then tucked it away right next to my other Dragon Isles mammoths in the deepest darkest recesses of my mount storage never again to see the sun and air.
Why does a mammoth hatch from an egg?
Yea, the time gating has me not wanting to do vaults every week. Sorry you are ok with not being able to play the entire content patch but I, and i’m guessing many others, want to actually play what we pay for not wait some arbitrary amount of time determined by Blizzard.
If they can’t keep people subbed then they aren’t putting out enough content to keep people engaged. That’s their problem not the consumers. People are more likely to unsub when they have nothing to do. This counts as nothing to do cause why even do the vault if you can’t progress and it’s the same every week? I got rings on all my alts and said i’m done because there’s nothing left.
The only reason i’m playing still is because of guildies/friends. Blizz doesn’t have my attention outside of that.
Because you have tentacles coming down from your chin.
And block Magic with a Axe.
People have the dumbest moments to remove the suspension of disbelief in a game.
I don’t have tentacles.
same here but the brooch was on the 3rd level but i was just happy to get a freed up bag slot as the mamoth will probably never be used again aside from me parking near the fp in valdrakken for people to see they really aint missing muchby not having it
True, only a tail coming our of your behind and forehead more plated than an army Humvee.
My two primary reasons to play are to do M+ and play with my two brothers, so the improvements to talent trees and M+ makes my take of DF positive regardless of all the other issues (which are definitely there.)
Makes me wish we had these talent trees and M+ development in shadowlands (without covenant ability locking.)