Zoram'gar Outpost Abandoned

You yourself quoted it:

This is not about what would happened if the war had gone forwards. This was about the number of forces after the war was over.

I will say if you fly close to Ashenvale from Darkshore, it’s deliberately labeled as a “front”. And Tyrande can land safely there – as can the Alliance player. So at the very least, Ashenvale’s in contest. And there’s that old line about “the Alliance winning on every front”.

At the very least, Ashenvale was in play. Of course, my hope is that the night elves will/have booted the Horde out of it
 For like the 3rd time at this point.


This is no where stated in the game at all.

No achievement actually counts.

It’s fairly obvious. When Anduin and Saurfang are fielding their combined remnant forces, they aren’t sure that even together they can match what Sylvannas has waiting for them in Orgrimmar.

Now since the Second Siege ended without any significant Horde casualties to either force, that Orgrimmar home team now has Saurfang’s forces added to it.

Which means together they obviously outnumber anything that Anduin can call up.


Only in your head canon because that’s the way you think it should be. Nothing in the game actually makes this “fairly obvious”

That may have been the case, but it can just as much come from the fact Sylvanas holds a position of advantage in the battle, considering as it is the attackers that have to try to fight their way over the gates of and through a city which is well guarded. It would be reasonable to assume the attacking forces would lose more people than the defending forces, even if they succeeded. I mean, look how Sylvanas planned the defense of Undercity. Not to mention the fact they were both aware of the threat of N’zoth, meaning they don’t have enough forces to fight both Sylvanas and N’zoth at the same time, especially if they failed the siege.

The numerical superiority of either side is never actually spoken of nor insinuated from my recollection.

There were no significant Alliance casualties either, and, again, we are never given numbers for either side. Saying the rebels and loyalists together outnumber the alliance is purely and utterly head canon.

Again, this is no where stated lol. It’s your head canon reasoning. You’re gonna have to do better than shoddy vague connect the dots assertions.


I imagine lore and quest achievements count.

And the Alliance is more than what Anduin can call up.

The Horde couldn’t even handle their own problems and needed the Vulpera to handle things for them.

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Only if blizzard says so until than pure head cannon.

Quite the opposite. Only when Blizzard says it’s not canon can we confirm that it’s not canon.

Blizzard’s Canon: Everything is and isn’t canon at the same time until Blizzard says otherwise.


Schrödinger’s Canon.

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I was going to call it that, but I’m pretty sure Schrödinger would rise from the grave and kill us all for it.

AKA, “we’re too lazy to bother with a lore bible, much less talk to the guy we are paying a salary to for lore matters.”

Or we write the Bible, only to dismiss it when we have a cool idea.


I’ve always assumed that Zoram’gar was just such a remote location in Ashenvale (a region that should be pretty massive in lore) that it was basically not an important target in Vanilla. (And was likely created meta-wise to give the Horde an easy flight point to the BFD dungeon) It was built on a Naga infested beach, and has been plagued more by them than the Night Elves for basically it’s entire life.

Losing the Outpost is honestly
 not a bad deal for the Horde, because it is in such a poor location during peacetime that keeping it supplied is more trouble than it is worth. It is a small port that is on the opposite side of the continent from any other port the Horde has, and land routes would have to go through the entirety of Ashenvale which even under the most optimistic Horde-favored outcome would still be an incredibly thinly stretched supply route. In any scenario where the Night Elves reclaim Darkshore and/or Ashenvale (or even parts there of) the Outpost would need to effectively be supplied by long naval routes or through portals. Both of which are massive costs for their payoff.

Honestly, Zoram’gar doesn’t have much of anything going for it as far as value to the Horde other than as a military staging ground. It is poorly positioned to protect Horde supply routes, has lengthy supply routes to reach it, and would be a diplomatic sore spot under the Armistice. If the Horde -really- wanted a port on the west side of Kalimdor, they would be far better served by moving it down to the (hopefully cooled down) Charred Vale in Stonetalon peak where the new Outpost would have far safer supply routes to Sunrock Retreat, as well as help fortify supply routes between there and the Horde outposts in Desolace.

Edit: I forgot about Shadowprey Village, but I don’t really think that is a large enough port to be able to supply Zoram’gar Outpost in any real capacity.


It’s also posited by her sisters that forces commanded by Sylvanas’ (at the time) are “the only army capable of defeating N’zoth.”

So even if Sylavanas’ forces didn’t outnumber the joint Horde/Alliance Anti-Sylvanas forces arrayed against them, they were still considered more formidable, and that’s before they reunited with whatever forces Saurfang led.

I agree with you over all, though the Charred Vale might not be the best place because of Farwatcher’s Glen overlooking it.

Ultimately Alleria didn’t turn out to be the one who actually knew how to defeat N’Zoth, as the one who did, Wrathion, pointed out that the armies were useless.


That just reinforces how powerful Sylvanas’ forces were believed to be. Alleria, mistakenly believing armies to be the key to defeating N’zoth, still considers Sylvanas’ forces to be the most capable in the world.

My point is that you are hinging your entire premise on the speculation of an in-game character who in the very same statement you are referencing is known to have not been correct in their assessment.


Alleria’s miscalculation isn’t that Sylvanas doesn’t field the most impressive army. Her miscalculation is that an impressive army is any defense against N’zoth.