Zoram'gar Outpost Abandoned

They actually transform into K’thir during the quest. And were using void attacks such as Abyssal Bolt even before they transformed, and were raving about the Old God:

    Tidesage Seacaller says: Ah… I hear the voice! The thousand truths!
    Tidesage Seacaller says: I am blind no longer.
    Tidesage Seacaller says: I drink in the infinite void.
    Tidesage Seacaller says: I hear the voice! The thousand truths!
    Tidesage Seacaller says: I will live eternal in the abyss.
    Tidesage Seacaller says: My soul for the ancient one!
    Tidesage Seacaller says: Oh… The writhing shadow comes for me!
    Tidesage Seacaller says: The circle… I see the circle!
    Tidesage Seacaller says: The drowned dream consumes me!
    Tidesage Seacaller says: The tendrils of fate shall claim you!
    Tidesage Seacaller says: The writhing shadow comes for me!
    Tidesage Seacaller says: Yes… The circle… I see the circle!

It is implied at best, as you are right that it is never actually shown:

    Neferset have been spotted wandering the streets of their city to the south. This would normally be no cause for alarm, except the Neferset were completely wiped out. I must ask you to investigate further… and if by some foul magic these reports turn out to be true, you must do whatever you can to contain this threat!

    I cannot believe what I am hearing…

    This is truly much worse than I feared.

The implication from the copses and the Voidwarped is that they were reanimated by the void, despite the humanoid tag.

If Saurfang hadn’t gotten her there she wouldn’t even have had the opportunity to say the couple of words she did.

While you are pointing out the state of things from Lordaeron to Nazjatar these are not the same situations as when the Horde rebels came to face Sylvanas at Orgrimmar, as while we see the Horde rebel and Alliance forces outside of Orgrimmar, the Sylvanas loyalist player does not see an equivalent or greater inside of Orgrimmar, and in actuality sees that there is much unrest and people opposed to Sylvanas inside the city still, which the honor Horde and Alliance players did not get to see.

What did the Horde get out of its player’s War Campaign?

Marshal M. Valentine? Sacrificed by Nathanos.
Thomas Zelling? Executed in front of all of the Horde’s leaders.
Abyssal Scepter? Stolen back by the Alliance, used against the Horde, then destroyed by Talanji.
The Zandalari fleet? Blown up by the Alliance.
Derek Proudmoore? Saved by Baine.
Priscilla Ashvane? Immediately betrayed them.

As for Darkshore itself, most things indicate that the Night Elf victory happened after the first round of the Alliance version of the warfront proper itself. Nathanos is no longer at Darkshore (having headed back to Zandalar before the Battle of Dazar’alor, and then we see him for Nazjatar before he goes back to Orgrimmar, and he doesn’t show up in the Alliance version of the Darkshore Warfront, either). The Horde’s version of the warfront is set right after the Alliance intro questing since the Horde has to save Belmont, and since that’s always the case and generals don’t change like at Arathi it would seem this is a gameplay mechanic like repeating dungeons rather than battlegrounds (Belmont also doesn’t show up in the Alliance version of the Darkshore Warfront, so it’s not like the Alliance players recapture him every time, either).

And even outside the Darkshore Warfront we have support that the Alliance won:

But there is something earlier you pointed out that I would like to note as well:

Sylvanas winning at causing as much death as possible is not winning for the Horde, nor is it any indication of the Horde’s strength. Quite the opposite, the more Sylvanas was winning, the weaker the Horde was getting as well, as she killed them off right alongside the Alliance.